If you read my last post, you know I Love, Love LOVE Valentine's Week (err... Day). In it, I wrote that Valentine's Day is not about boring ol' flowers and chocolates. It's about going above and beyond -- it's about putting extra effort in (or taking extra time to) build an unforgettable experience.
Not everyone has time for a Valentine's Four Day Weekend (even though it is President's Day this Monday). But you can still come up with an incredibly cool, thoughtful and experience-making (or enabling) gift for your special someone. If you need a little help getting inspired, I've put together a list of really fun gift ideas. Remember: money does buy happiness -- if you know how to spend it. ***
For the Fancy Pants: Spice Lab Himalayan Salt Glasses
These shot glasses have the translucent appearance of rose quartz, but actually are carved from the finest quality, food-grade Himalayan pink salt. They naturally add a nuanced, salty note to your tequila. Serve with lime wedges for a bite of citrus tartness.
These would also be a nice gift for someone you traveled to Mexico (or another tequila-drinking region) with. It's a fancy way to relive a special memory and drink to your future.
![]() (Heck, if you've gone on a trip together, there are a lot of ways you can relive that! I was given a bottle of Philosophy Senorita Margarita Body Wash and Bubble Bath following a trip to Mexico once. It was a pretty simple and relatively inexpensive gift... yet I smile and think about how amazing the trip was every single time I get in the tub. Keep in mind, though, that I love bubble baths. What does your Valentine love? Use that as your compass.)
For the Poet: Aimless Love: New and Selected Poems by Billy Collins.
It's well known that Billy Collins is the best poet in the whole world.
When I was in high school, I was lucky enough to meet him (briefly) and get him to sign my copy of Sailing Alone Around the Room (which is fantastic, thought-provoking and laugh-out-loud hilarious). Sadly, I later left an ice sculpture on it accidentally, and it turned into a soggy mess.
But lo! A very special boy surprised me with a copy of Aimless Love: New and Selected Poems. The note he wrote in front was almost as beautiful, and certainly more personally meaningful, than the poems in this book. Don't miss "Love," "'I Love You'" and "Looking for a Friend in a Crowd of Arriving Passengers: A Sonnet." You should also bookmark "Lanyard" and read to your mom on Mother's Day.
For the Sentimental (or Collage Enthusiast): Polaroid Z23 Digital Instant Print Camera
Yes, it's the age of digital photography. But it's so much fun to have printed photos to send home with friends and family -- especially grandparents, who aren't always about to just look up the photos on Facebook later. If your significant other loves taking photos with his or her friends -- or if they love decorating their walls with wonderful memories -- this could be the perfect gift for your Valentine.
Start snapping right away, and you can celebrate February 15 by presenting your special someone with a photo collage of your special day. Because why limit yourself to just one special day?
H/T PhotoTime
For the (ahem) Adventurous: Love is Art Kit.
This kit includes everything a couple needs to "craft a one-of-a-kind abstract painting while being intimate with one another." Which can then be stretched, framed and hung on the wall.
Different versions of the kit come with different color combinations. Warning: your artwork might turn out kind of ugly. In which case, you can simply re-gift it... perhaps as a housewarming gift to an unsuspecting sibling?
Remember: it's about the experience. Just have fun.
For the Frozen fan: Frozen: Songs from the Motion Picture for Guitar, Piano and Voice
Speaking from personal experience. If your special someone happens to be obsessed with Frozen and you want to make them giddy on their special day, get them this:
And they'll be all:
(If they're not into Frozen, but there is a special musical you've seen together or that they like, that also works. For example, if someone got me an Into the Woods book for Valentine's Day, I would keep him up ALL NIGHT -- with my amazing piano playing and singing!)
For the Health-Conscious: Brooklyn Kombucha Home Brew Starter Kit
Last spring, I developed an unuuuuuuusual appetite. I told my boyfriend that what I wanted... more than annnnything else... was kombucha! (It's this super healthy, fermented tea drink. The first time you drink it, you'll think it tastes like standing water in a barn. But give it a second shot and you'll be hooked!)
However, kombucha is a pretty expensive habit. If you buy it from the store, it'll cost upwards of $3 per bottle. UNLESS!
Bam. This starter kit from Brooklyn Kombucha has everything you need to get started. Try their basic organic teas... then experiment with some of their more premium options. Your special someone will love this gift. I know I did!
I never thought I could be so happy! :P
For the Explorer: Performance gear.
A wonderful alternative to the (boring) cashmere sweater, might I recommend an icebreaker Merino -- they come in men's, kids' and women's ultralight (through heavyweight). Whether you're looking for base-, first-, mid- or outer layers, this luxurious, soft and strong material is perfect for hiking, backpacking, hunting, fishing, snow sports and travel. They're beautiful, practical and smell-resistant. Because things make us less and less happy over time. But experiences (which your icebreaker will make more comfortable) make you happy forever.
Or maybe that's climbing shoes, slack lines, hiking boots or camping gear. You can order any of these things (and more) at a big discount on The Clymb. An angel bought me a slackline from here once, and it was endlessly amusing.
For the Beer Lover: Texas Chipotle Amber Beer Brewing Kit
Turn your kitchen into a micro-brewery with this specialty beer kit. For something sweeter, try the Vermont Maple Porter Beer Brewing Kit.
Or keep it simple with an Everyday IPA.
Remember: a serving of alcohol a day is good for the heart.
For the Worrier: The AquaVault
If your lover can't relax when y'all leave your stuff unattended, the AquaVault might be the perfect gift. It's a portable outdoor safe that locks onto 95% of beach furniture. You can also connect it to ropes, chains, bikes, railings, strollers, golf carts and more.
If you really want to get your heart on, put something special inside the AquaVault -- plane tickets, a Groupon, confirmation for a weekend getaway, etc.
OR. Have an activity planned so you can use it right away -- perhaps a day at the beach, a bike ride or a round of golf. OR, at the very least, decorate it with hearts and mushy love notes and puns about keeping your heart safe or never losing your heart or something.
For Foodies, Outdoorsies, and Hopeless Romantics: Jubilee Picnic Basket (with picnic food, obviously)
Fill this with their favorite treats and drinks, and head out to a special park, beach or overlook. Make sure to bring a big blanket to sit (or do whatever) on -- as well as any instruments (and music books -- see above!), kites or poetry (also see above) you may need.
There are literally about a million other gifts or experiences you could do this Valentine's Day. So if nothing on this list caught your eye, don't despair. Just remember: experiences, not things, make people happy. So whatever you decide, build a wonderful experience around it. Also remember: couples that play together, stay together. Happy Valentine's Day!
3/12/2015 12:14:19 am
3/17/2017 03:10:57 pm
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![]() Eva is a content specialist with a passion for play, travel... and a little bit of girl power. Read more >
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