I've spent 11 of the last 36 months traveling. From Austria to Cambodia to Honduras, I've blogged about how travel can teach you how to be happy; how travel is like being in kindergarten, college, and adulthood, all at once; and how there's no limit to how much you can learn (and teach) while abroad. I've seen wild orangutans, herds of elephants, five different hornbill species, 900-year-old temples, blue flame volcanoes (seriously!), and so much more. Despite all this, when people ask me to pick my favorite country, the answer is easy: America. America is the best country. You're totally welcome to disagree with me. It wouldn't upset or offend me if you picked Finland or Vietnam or Chile. And it really shouldn't offend you if I say America is my favorite country. Yet I expect in certain circles, there's something somehow offensive about having love and pride in a nation that, though imperfect, is incredibly awesome and progressive on so many issues. As Americans, we have a lot to be proud of -- beyond being "back to back World War Champs." (That's what the shirt I'm wearing in the title/header image says. Weirdly, I found that shirt at a market in Myanmar, but you can get your very own version on Amazon. Amazingly, it also comes in hat, and I just ordered mine.) The United States – again, though. imperfect – was formed upon our "inalienable rights" of "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness," as outlined in the Declaration of Independence. In other words, if you are the kind of person who displays bumper stickers and yard signs that say things like, "Black Lives Matter," "Love is Love," "Women's Rights are Human Rights," and "Hate Has No Home Here," then you are EXACTLY the kind of person who should be flying the American flag –these are liberal, American values! On the other hand, you know who has no business flying our flag? First of all, white supremacists, neo-nazis, alt-righters, and other hateful halfwits who fly the confederate or Nazi flag alongside the American flag. Y'all – WE WENT TO WAR WITH THOSE ENTITIES. IN WHAT WAY DOES FLYING THEIR FLAG MAKE YOU PATRIOTIC? Rallying under those flags... is almost kinda like treason to the USA.
(Credit: Robert F Sargent/Getty Images)
Second, even if you're not some overtly racist neo-nazi, if you're a trump supporter, you likely have no business flying our flag, either. If you were simply Republican, I'd of course encourage you to fly your American flag. But if you're a trump-supporting Republican... I mean, how can you claim to be patriotic and love America when you're supporting someone whose actions and words undermine the very values this country is built upon? You should be horrified by this man. After all, as Jonathan Raunch and Benjamin Wittes, who both spent their professional careers "strenuously avoiding partisanship in their writing and thinking" until 2018, wrote in their March 2018 Atlantic article, Boycott the Republican Party:
In discussing this with my friend Ron Smith, who basically earned a PhD in history from home during his retirement, Ron made another interesting point:
In other words, if you support trump, maybe you should take down your American flag and just fly a trump flag, instead. But if you love liberal values like free speech, free press, free elections, peaceful transfer of power, equality, free religion, etc. etc. etc... then you are exactly the kind of person who should feel pride in this country and what it stands for. If you love this country's entrepreneurial, inclusive spirit – if you love the progress we've made in terms of gender and racial equality (even though there's still work to be done) – then you are exactly the kind of person who should celebrate the American flag. So why don't we? Because to many people, especially young ones, "patriotism" means something different than it did just a few decades ago. Ron Smith, reflecting on how the meaning of Patriot has changed in his lifetime, even calls for a redefinition of patriotism.
Liberals, don't let yourself get swept up in the hysteria. No, the American flag is not a conservative symbol – in fact, may of today's "conservative" (as in, trump-supporting) values are deeply un-American. No, the US is not "as dangerous for women" as Yemen and Afghanistan and Syria – if you really believed that, you need a serious lesson in critical thought. We are not perfect – but who doesn't still tear up every time they see or think about this: Yes, many of our Founding Fathers, presidents, and other leaders have complicated legacies by modern standards – but if you really think we ought to be tearing down statues of Lincoln because freeing the slaves "wasn't enough"... I really don't know what to say to you. No one is perfect, we have a lot to be proud of, and, by future moral standards, even the best of us will one day be monsters. I even wrote a song about this. We have so many amazing, liberal rights and freedoms in this country – when conservatives attempt to erode these freedoms, it's important not to let them co-opt our flag as a symbol of their backwards and un-American values. If you're a liberal, the American flag stands for when you stand for. It's time to own it.
7/6/2020 11:53:42 am
Really great post Eva, 100% spot on. I don't think liberals should let conservatives own the flag. The points you make here make a ton of sense. And no one flying the enemies flag (confederate, nazi, etc) should in any way consider themselves patriot, they are the opposite of patriotic!
7/16/2020 11:46:46 am
It really is perverse what some people these days consider to be "American values." To me it seems like a lot of Trump supporters think that he is a king or a god, and our American duty is to worship him. They also seem to forget that in this country, we don't make laws based on religion. They forget, too, that in West Virginia State Board of Education v. Barnette (1943), the Supreme Court upheld student rights not to salute the American flag. I am glad to live in a country where athletes are allowed to kneel during the national anthem and consider it patriotic to exercise their right to do so.
1/30/2021 04:12:09 am
I live in Trump land. So tired of the misinformation I listen to and the hypocrisy. The other day was getting my haircut and the woman tried to sell me a conspiracy theory (aka Republican ideology) on Fauci and Covid19.
1/31/2021 04:05:08 am
Lol. This lady clearly hasn't travelled enough if she thinks america is a "progressive" country. America is at the bottom of the barrel as far as advanced industrialized democracies go.
2/7/2021 11:26:44 am
Lol. This lady travels overseas 3-4 months per year. America is very progressive, and has been since its founding.
4/18/2021 07:26:41 pm
First I do not support President Donald Trump as a god. There is only one true God. However your post is full of false atrocities the Democrats spew. It has been proven the Russian hoax was initiated by Democrats conspiring with foreign agent. Now they have proved there was no truth in the Russians offering bounties for hurting American soldiers. And how do you explain the dates like Texas and Florida are thriving without mask mandates and COVID restrictions while those states imposing said restrictions on fee Americans have rising COVID cases and increased crime rates? Democrats have opened the southern border to criminals and COVID infected illegal immigrants yet you don’t mention this. Who do think will pay for their care and living expenses? Hardworking Americans that is who. We will be taxed into poverty to provide for illegals so Democrats can buy their votes and ruin our great America.
Ben Chilwell
5/11/2021 06:46:48 am
I'm going to design some shirts like those, but for Britain!
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![]() Eva is a content specialist with a passion for play, travel... and a little bit of girl power. Read more >
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