Spring break is canceled. Your summer travel plans are canceled. Date night is canceled. Open mic, karaoke, sports, concerts, birthdays, weddings.
It's all canceled. Even your ability to hike in local parks or surf local beaches may be canceled. And one way to cope with these losses may be a small investment in a starry night or ocean projector. It's a great way to have a special, at-home "date night" with your partner, Dan and Serena style. Or to cognitively reframe your disappointment at missing this vacation into excitement for the next one! (And, in the spirit of cognitive reframing, may I just remind you that No, Traveling All the Time Will NOT Make You Happy, and One Of The Best Life Hacks is to Do What You Do When You Travel When You're At Home. And! By canceling your trip, there's no way you'll embarrass yourself the way I did that time I ruined a funeral in Hawaii! Moreover, in the spirit of downward social comparison, which, when done correctly, is the number one best way to feel better about yourself: at least you had a vacation to cancel!) There are endless options for indoor projectors, but you can also find ways to light up your backyard. For at-home date night romance, I like the Lychee 14-Pattern Outdoor Romantic Lights Projector ($29.99), which comes with lens patterns you can use for lockdown silliness (hearts, ladybugs, wedding, sailing, fish, and birthdays)... but also for future holidays, including Christmas, Halloween, St. Patrick's Day, and Thanksgiving. This social distancing thing sucks. But it's good to do what you can to make it suck less -- or even be kind of special and magical. Though, of course, perhaps the most important thing you can be doing right now is perfecting your assertiveness skills. It has never been more important for you to either be or get comfortable saying things like, "BACK. UP. You are too close." Considering the consequences, I think it's much more polite at this point to say, "COVER YOUR FUCKING MOUTH," than to politely ignore someone who is spreading a highly contagious and highly fatal disease. Saving lives is way more polite than killing people. Be like this: But also be like this: Remember: it is a happy talent to know how to play!
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About the Author
![]() Eva is a content specialist with a passion for play, travel... and a little bit of girl power. Read more >
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