Becoming a regular -- somewhere! anywhere! -- is the best way to make friends in adulthood5/26/2023
It is a happy talent to know how to play...
But in order to play safely (and without having your time usurped by people you don't like) in this world, especially as a woman, you need to be good at assertiveness and boundary-setting. That is something I'm good at — and it's the reason I've able to been spend literally years abroad as a solo, female traveler. Lately, it's also the reason I've been able to spend the last 13 months on the road as a solo, female RVer. Through my work in marketing at a daily deal site, ghostwriting for SMB tech companies, and running my own small business, I've developed a passion for supporting small businesses.
And small business owners. Small business owners are the people Andrew Yang wrote about in Smart People Should Build Things -- people who were bold, determined, and strategic to "make the jump" and work on something that truly makes them happy. Running a small business is tough, though — and that's why I'm a huge fan of Harvest Hosts. Image: @TheHappyTalent Hello, today's teenagers. I know you don't remember this, but back when you were three months old, you likely began showing self-soothing behaviors — that is, you began learning how to calm down, relax and go to sleep again in your bed. By the time you were six months old, your parents were actively encouraging you to self-soothe, as this is around the time you could make it through the night without needing to be fed. And I'll bet you were crushing it!
Image: @TheHappyTalent on Instagram
After the most epic imaginable month of tent camping and mountain biking in Michigan's Upper Peninsula, I realized that it was my destiny to be a full-time RVer – how else will I visit all the best mountain biking and surf towns in the USA, but still have a place to work when it's raining?
The epiphany came to me while I was climbing the Benson Grade fire road to Eh Line — but as I started thinking through the logistics of my new life plan, I realized I had no idea how to tow.
Chris Farley's famous "van down by the river" sketch was a hilarious staple of my childhood -- but now, as an adult, I completely, 100% understand Matt Foley's rage.
And I don't even live in a van down by the river. I've just been told I should.
Image: @TheHappyTalent on Instagram
Last night, like every night before it these last few weeks, was one of the most glorious of my life. It was midnight, and I was walking through the woods, alone. The trees blocked most of the moonlight and starlight, but above and below and all around me, I was surrounded by fireflies.
All at once, I felt secluded in nature, and like I was scuba diving, and like I was riding Space Mountain, and like I was on some kind of drug that just makes you love everything around more than you thought possible.
When people ask me what my blog is about, I want to tell them, "Playfulness." Playfulness is why I started this blog. It's on my About page; it's discussed on some of my most popular posts...
Yet one recurring theme has been assertiveness. Assertiveness seems at odds with playfulness... but, in fact, I've found assertiveness to be a crucial skill that enables my playfulness. And it's probably one of the most important possible social skills you can learn and use during the current lockdown/quarantine/social distancing protocols.
I recently had the good fortune of meeting Rich Gosse, chairman of The Society of Single Professionals and author of The Donald Trump Syndrome: Why Women Choose the Wrong Men to Love.
He told me something none of you millennials are going to believe: "Even though I founded the second ever online dating site back in the 1990s, I still think meeting face-to-face is best.” And I agree. |
About the Author
Eva is a content specialist with a passion for play, travel... and a little bit of girl power. Read more >
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