Image: @TheHappyTalent Hello, today's teenagers. I know you don't remember this, but back when you were three months old, you likely began showing self-soothing behaviors — that is, you began learning how to calm down, relax and go to sleep again in your bed. By the time you were six months old, your parents were actively encouraging you to self-soothe, as this is around the time you could make it through the night without needing to be fed. And I'll bet you were crushing it!
Image: @TheHappyTalent on Instagram
Last Wednesday, I was at the rock wall, waiting for my climbing partner, who was running late. Mindlessly, I started scrolling through my newsfeed... when I saw an ad for a Fleetwood Mac concert!
I clicked the link, even though I was pretty sure I wouldn't actually go, since I'm bad at planning things in advance. But it turns out the concert was that night! In the moments before my climbing buddy arrived, I texted a friend to see if he was game, and booked our tickets. I had time for about 45 minutes of climbing before the show! Next thing I knew, I was in the 5th row at Fleetwood Mac, about to take a selfie during the chorus of Landslide, one of the most legendary songs of all time... when Stevie Nicks suddenly stopped singing and said, "What's happening? What happened? I lost the key!" 14 Crazy Facts About Nightmare on Elm Street, One of the Most Important Franchises in Film History10/15/2018
October is the best month. It's a time to get excited about pumpkin spice lattes, leggings, leaves... and, of course, scary movies! (If you're not stoked about those things, I feel bad for you.)
So today, I wanted to share some cool facts about Wes Craven's 1984 classic horror film, Nightmare on Elm Street.
Something major happens on the first day of October (and, sometimes, the first day of September) every year:
The menu at your favorite coffee shop changes. Just a little. But it is a very big deal.
Image source: NWS Seattle
Last night, after the most epic of all jam sessions (there was this moment when we were harmonizing Simon Garfunkel's "America," and we looked at each other and the sound of our voices meeting was, like, totally chilling), I said goodnight to my singing buddy and headed home.
But before I even got halfway, I messaged him: "Have you seen the moon tonight? If not, GO LOOK! Venus is really close to the moon right now."
So I had another Pretty Little Liars dream last night.
After an entire adolescence of having my every move watched by a mysterious hooded figure, I was on the cusp of unmasking A. And I wasn't going to do anything idiotic, like hide in a dark shed, alone, unarmed and in heels, to confront my omniscient stalker. Then all my friends turned up dead.
You know what I love about interacting with people who disagree with me? The inspiration that comes from hearing their viewpoints -- and the corresponding reevaluation and refining of my own views.
For example, I was recently asked whether it's sexist for women to expect to be entertained by men -- and it seemed like the asker was hoping for a definite yes. But the real answer... is maybe.
Whether for your health, your fitness, or your looks, many of us want to want to work out... but we don't.
I have the opposite problem (err, "problem"): I have no interest or motivation to work out... yet I do it all the time.
Something magical happens in the summer, and I could talk all day about the amazing people I've met while traveling, or through summer internships, or even just enjoying the outdoors on a sunny day.
Yet some of us have an easier time meeting new people than others, so I wanted to re-post some pointers I threw into a recent article. It was originally meant for daters, but really applies to everyone who wants to meet anyone.
Are you really expressing yourself -- or are you just dressing a certain way? Are you really showing the world your true self -- or are you just putting on a performance for an audience?
About the Author
![]() Eva is a content specialist with a passion for play, travel... and a little bit of girl power. Read more >
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