Through my work in marketing at a daily deal site, ghostwriting for SMB tech companies, and running my own small business, I've developed a passion for supporting small businesses.
And small business owners. Small business owners are the people Andrew Yang wrote about in Smart People Should Build Things -- people who were bold, determined, and strategic to "make the jump" and work on something that truly makes them happy. Running a small business is tough, though — and that's why I'm a huge fan of Harvest Hosts.
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Image: @TheHappyTalent on Instagram Last October, I overcame my fear of towing and started on a two-ish year full-time RVing adventure! Some people do this to save money, but while RVing definitely beats paying California rent, it isn't cheap. Buying an RV isn't an "investment," as your vehicle depreciates every year, whereas a home would appreciate. While RVing, things constantly break. And, of course, there's the matter of where to camp. Harvest Hosts is one of the best ways to save money while you camp, since joining this website lets you camp for free at over 2,010 wineries, breweries, museums, farms, and attractions across the US. But it's not just good for RVers... it's also become a lifeline for businesses that are struggling through the COVID shutdown (on top of ALLL the other struggles small businesses face).
I didn't get a single mosquito bite during my trip to the Everglades. Image: @TheHappyTalent
It is known.
Leggings aren't merely acceptable as pants — leggings are the best pants. They beat all other pants in terms of comfort, mobility, and their amazing ability to flatter every body. (With the obvious exception being bad leggings, which flatter no body.)
Image: @TheHappyTalent on Instagram
This is just a quick public service announcement that, while karaoke and open mic and musical theater and bar jams are all on hold right now... there is endless fun to be had, right there in your home, for less than the price of a beer. All you need to do is buy the music used -- you'll be paying $3-8 per book instead of $18+.
I hate stereotypes about women as much as anyone else... but here's one that's actually true:
Almost everyone who participates in teen travel tours, service trips, and summer abroad programs... is a girl.
I travel alone. A lot. It's super fun. It's never lonely. You're free to do whatever you want without worrying about other people's fears or physical limitations.
People say it must be "empowering" to travel alone as a woman. But, honestly, I've always found it way more empowering to backpack alone with my dog.
According to some of my Instagram followers, I "travel all the time." Which is somewhat true. I travel a few months per year -- and that is enough for me. During these adventures, I sometimes meet full-time travelers...
And I don't understand them. To me, traveling full-time seems like it would be miserable.
After two months of surfing, hiking, scuba diving, and cultural experiences in Southeast Asia, I've officially returned home with a new vice:
I'm a water hoarder.
I recently returned from a trip to Southeast Asia -- and I learned and saw so many things. Some made me happy. Some made me sad. And some... were kind of amusing.
For example, the observation that about 1 in 7 white guys had his arm in a sling...
Guys, I'm, like, soooo vaccinated right now!
In just a few days, I'm headed to Thailand. Then Sri Lanka. Then Vietnam. Then... who knows? And, at the last minute, I decided to do the responsible thing and get my vaccines. |
About the Author
![]() Eva is a content specialist with a passion for play, travel... and a little bit of girl power. Read more >
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