You don't "not fit in." You're just being socially weird because you THINK you don't fit in.1/3/2024 I saw a post on Reddit today, in which a freshman wrote that she (he?) regrets her choice to go to Stanford. After reading the details, I replied that she doesn't "not fit in." She just thinks she doesn't fit in, so she's acting socially weird, which makes her actually not fit in. If that sounds like it might be you, read on:
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Becoming a regular -- somewhere! anywhere! -- is the best way to make friends in adulthood5/26/2023
Image: The Happy Talent on Instagram
It's a question that comes up all the time, but shouldn't. I am willing to answer it yet again, because certain social skills are slow to develop in some men, and I believe the advice that follows will help such men not only realize some of the basic, common courtesy around dating, but also reframe the way they see all social interactions, causing a positive impact in all parts of their life. My hope is for them to read this and learn that interpersonal interactions are not isolated behaviors that exist in a vacuum. They are part of a dynamic, two-person exchange with a lifetime of history and context.
Shredding Pisgah. Music: 3 Girls (But Only 2 Beers in the Car)
An important consideration for a mountain biking (or surf) trip is the timing of your visit. I recently had the opportunity to visit Asheville/Brevard/Dupont/Pisgah in March, and wasn't sure what the conditions would be like that time of year.
83% of women would reject men with violence and aggression in their bio and 78% would reject bios with bigotry -- which are the exact reasons why I would reject any man with pronouns in his bio.
Just because "your intentions are good" doesn't mean you aren't causing harm.
When someone you love, or even just like, suffers a loss, it can be hard to know what to say to them. Which is silly. There actually are PLENTY of things you can say to them that will help. And there are plenty of things you can say that basically mean, "Fuck you." Valentine's Day is right around the corner -- but it doesn't matter! My Eva Via original duet, Year-Round Valentine, is about how, when you're in love, every day can feel like Valentine's Day. Even Valentine's Day.
As anyone who follows my blog or Facebook knows, the two posts that consistently get the most views per month are
What Men Don't Understand When They Complain, "It's Only Creepy If The Guy Isn't Hot and "Creepy" Isn't About Attractiveness. It's About Reciprocity. Due to these posts, I get a handful of private notes and comments thanking me for my encouragement and advice (some formerly creepy guys even have girlfriends now!)... and dozens of butthurt, defensive incels who are mad that I'd give them some basic advice about how to not come across as creepy. |
About the Author
![]() Eva is a content specialist with a passion for play, travel... and a little bit of girl power. Read more >
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