As anyone who follows my blog or Facebook knows, the two posts that consistently get the most views per month are
What Men Don't Understand When They Complain, "It's Only Creepy If The Guy Isn't Hot and "Creepy" Isn't About Attractiveness. It's About Reciprocity. Due to these posts, I get a handful of private notes and comments thanking me for my encouragement and advice (some formerly creepy guys even have girlfriends now!)... and dozens of butthurt, defensive incels who are mad that I'd give them some basic advice about how to not come across as creepy. After receiving maybe the 100th comment from a man who claims he's determined that no woman will ever find him attractive, so he's just going to give up, I decided to make a post out of the reply I have to keep typing. Here's my reply: Doug, there are 4 billion women on this planet. Surely there are at least a handful who would love you. The developmental feedback I can give you is limited, because I don't actually know you. But here is what I know: Women love confidence. It's not about cockiness and arrogance and dickheadedness (see also: Girls Don't Like Guys BECAUSE They're Jerks. They Like Them DESPITE Being Jerks). It's about autonomy and agency. From an evolutionary perspective, confidence mens that you know you can shape and influence the world around you, whether to protect a pregnant partner or keep her fed and nourished while she is breastfeeding her baby or figure out a way to keep your family alive during a famine.
Speaking of cavemen, if you haven't read George Saunders' Pastoralia, you should. It's amusing -- but it's not as good as Sea Oak, but that's okay, because it's included in the same collection.
When you say, "I’ve concluded that I’m simply not able to be sexually attractive to any woman," etc., you're indicating helplessness. This is the opposite of confidence, and the least attractive thing a man can be to a woman. If you don't think you can approach a woman without creeping her out, then FIX IT. Follow the advice in the very article you are commenting on! Can you honestly not start a conversation with a woman without making an unsolicited comment about her body or violating her personal space? Can you honestly not just talk to her about the latest space launch, Bulls game, or whatever interests you, without leering creepily at her? Can you honestly not show interest in what another person is saying and ask good follow-up questions without, like, groping her? I don't believe that you ARE helpless. I believe that you FEEL helpless, and that is what is so repulsive to women. We're kind of experts at detecting helplessness, because it would be really bad to get knocked up by a helpless male. So. Do you have the willingness to change this? If not... maybe keep hanging out with women just as friends, because you're right -- no one will ever be attracted to you. But if you do, then start working on it. Don't double down and get defensive like an ornery little boy. Be willing to learn. Be willing to improve. Be an actual adult with actual agency, instead of a child with a temper. Obviously the first thing you need to do is learn to be more socially aware and comfortable to be around, so you should order and read every page of Olivia Fox Cabane's The Charisma Myth: How Anyone Can Master the Art and Science of Personal Connection. Next, you need to learn find an evidence-based therapist who uses cognitive behavioral therapy, and who is willing to call you out on your shit. Don't just randomly pick a therapist, because there are a lot of bad ones out there. Before or at your first meeting, tell the therapist that you are not interested in regurgitating childhood trauma or whatever Freudian bullshit, but that you want to actively come up with strategies to recognize and change dysfunctional social behaviors. Remember: if you can't get a date and women are calling you creepy, you are obviously doing things wrong, and it would be helpful to have someone help you figure out what. One thing to keep in mind: if you're struggling with depression and the therapist recommends SSRIs, you need to have a serious discussion about whether this is the best option for you. SSRIs can kill your sex drive and cause sexual dysfunction, which is obviously going to mess up your motivation and willingness to date. Another book you will find very useful is Byron Katie's Loving What Is: Four Questions That Can Change Your Life. Katie lays out several strategies for cognitively reframing negative thoughts and finding the person you could be without these toxic and untrue beliefs. If you're already mad. If you're already disagreeing with me. If you already know that none of this advice will help you... That is why you are repulsive to women. You are helpless. You are unwilling to grow and improve. And there is no reason any woman should expect this part of you to magically change just because she started dating you. You need to take accountability for your own mistakes and growth. Or nothing will ever change for you and you will always be alone.
10/20/2022 07:38:24 am
Can I understand that all women ain't here for my entertainment or obligated to or subject to my own personal wants and needs? Yes! 💯! Can u women try and understand that some men actually can and do appreciate u for the very intelligent, cunning and resourceful creatures that u are and would never even register within them that u were anything less? Not for a second. Maybe some of us ou here actually have the capacity to find you where ur at and respect the whole of u exactly as u are without influence, expectations or judgements?... Maybe that shit that used to anger, intimidate and repulse him about u has actually become most of the reason hes found himself becoming more and more attracted to women just like u and truly appreciates how calculated and intelligent u are when you're mapping out your whole environments and lives down to the finest manipulative detail in order to have an environment that you're comfortable in that also allows u to flourish and be the power brokers in those environments. Yeah we can come to those conclusions and understandings within ourselves as men whithout it being something that makes him weak or desperate because he's accepted things how they are. Not at all. I haven't accepted none of it. Fought it the whole way. Until i opens my eyes and my understanding to the possibility that negative feelings do to my own pride and ego might be keeping me from learning something or being able to really appreciate what's been laid out before me for what it is... A carefully crafted and well laid out tapestry of your resourcefulness, intelligence, ingenuity and passion that feels like art but can teach u more then a lifetime of college if we allow ourselves enough humility and appreciation to learn from what you've placed in front of us. Ya know as bull headed domineering men... I'm a lot of things but I'm not desperate and I certainly ain't to available... None of that. Very confident in self actually and I really do mold my environment in such a way so as to highlight a life that takes cues from that environment in order to mimic the things in that environment that I've deemed hold a higher social engineering value with people who are easily manipulated by what they hav been conditioned to look for even if it doesn't reflect the truth or is something that could be damaging to my reputation and how people view me. To me there is far more value in letting someone be angry at u for being something they are programed to hate and pass judgements on even while glossing over their own participation and culpability in fostering and promoting said behavior or character traits/Flaws... It's easier to manipulate, navigate and control your environment and the people in that environment if u help them believe in their own righteousness and moral superiority. And u give them easy yet intangible targets for their indignation and anger... The only thing u need for this formula to work after u set the stage is a solid understanding of the truth as it really is (from your side now) and a healthy understanding of your own self worth and people's opinions don't prove anything about u other than that u now have a real life example of your ability to help people feel and react to things in a way that more often then not will benefit u and do so at their expence... I learned that from a group of very intelligent women determined to live a life they choose where they are not just participating but in power positions. I love y'all for real. And I appreciate u. Y'all ain't willing to appreciate that truth though. Letting that power get to your heads and losing the vision maybe..? In closing I just want to point out one thing... This or anything I send isn't harassment.... Don't flatter yourselves.... It's communicating with u in your chosen format because thats all u get when u fail to accept and acknowledge anyone via tangible platforms yourselves... That means we can say what we want true or not and the other party has to see it but it also never happened anywhere but in your head... If u
12/10/2023 09:21:41 am
When you start off by assuming that you know what a woman is or is not thinking about you you are committing self sabotage. No woman finds men who have an " All women are like that" attitude attractive. A very large percentage of my friends has always been of the male gender because I grew up with two brothers. As a general rule I only avoid men that I feel have the attitude that they know more about women than we do about ourselves. That is the very definition of " mansplaining" and nothing is less attractive than arrogance.
5/2/2024 06:45:11 am
Cant abide by the duality of men having to carry the burden of every other man who's ever mistreated women in all of human history, while we're expected to be objective with each woman we interact with. Mainstream culture is extraordinarily hostile to men, attributing us genetically defective in a way that makes us dangerous. The basis for this hateful perspective is the history of misdeeds conducted by horrible men, the likes of which pretty much all of us aren't associated with.
7/28/2024 10:10:58 am
My boyfriend broke up with me….
6/10/2023 07:31:19 am
Hi Eva - it’s Doug. I am not indicating “helplessness” as you surmise. I am indicating observed reality. And btw, as I said in the quoted post, I have lots of women friends - so obviously I do not do the offensive things you ask about.
10/24/2023 07:15:14 am
I love how she will never respond to you. It's amazing how women can't see the distinct advantage that they have over men, and how they take the fact that they can have sex whenever they want for granted.
10/25/2023 02:33:25 pm
Believe me, Vestigal (is that another name for your...little man? Just curious). Most women are super-happy prostitution exists. In fact, a lot of women are really hoping that affordable sex robots come on the market sooner rather than later, and so the bridge-dwelling malcontents and general rejects - you know, like the guys who show up in these comment sections - can just retreat into their basements or bedroom in their mom's house with the sex robot, and live happily ever after. It really won't be that big of a deal to womankind. The more undesirables we can get out of the dating pool, the happier everyone will be. 12/10/2023 09:49:18 am
" Being able to have sex " with men a woman doesn't desire to have sex with is not an " advantage" it is literally what makes us distrustful of even good men. Fyi I know plenty of " unattractive men"( I don't use the phrase ugly because I believe it's not possible for anyone to be ugly if they are created in the image of God) married to absolute stunners. Why? Because they are godly and loving men who treat their wives with " honor". If men stopped seeing women as " potential sex toys"' and instead as human beings and especially as equal sisters in Christ they would be embodying true biblical manhood by emulating Jesus and no one ever met a man like Jesus without falling deeply and passionately in love.
9/3/2024 12:07:53 am
I can’t wait till the sex robots come either then women will realize how worthless they are without men to protect and provide for them. 10/31/2023 10:36:12 pm
Doug, your comments came across as pretty defeated and helpless. You should take my advice and try to address these attitudes, as it will help with the dating stuff.
David Nichols
11/7/2023 06:14:01 am
Yall are very disingenuous. 1) most women do not support prostitution, and feminists in particular, hate the idea of sex robots. 2) You can interpret it as defeat or accepting reality. You take the attention you receive for granted and you're entitlement, lack of self awareness or empathy and narcissistic level of self assuredness is evident in your witless snark. Women like violent narcissists. If a man isn't either exceptionally physical attractive or some kind of manipulative douchebag who is just as unempathetic, impulsive and entitled as you, then Women probably won't get along with him.
1/6/2024 06:41:05 am
Did I touch a nerve, Michelle? Ad hominem attacks against people you don't know set you up to look foolish. I'll admit that what I said was hyperbolic and driven by reactive rejection, but neither I nor Doug are basement dwellers. I suppose that I don't have any way to prove it on this medium, though.
1/11/2024 10:59:54 am
@Vestigal, re: M:F reproduction rates, I think it’s right in line with the scope of this discussion.
4/27/2024 07:40:35 am
You got some POW on what women think, want and find or don't find attractive - from a woman. And every one is different. You have lots of female friends, but those aren't the objects of your interest, and so their opinions and preferences aren't either. Now you got this information from the outside and it's your own business what you're gonna do with it.
4/27/2024 07:50:10 am
What women want is important, but what men want is also important. Men want to be treated fairly and decently. Michelle and Eva are now getting some POV on what men think, want and find or don't find reasonable or fair. Now they have this information and it's their business what they're gonna do with it. Perhaps they'll listen and grow as people, and that will reduce the amount of problems between men and women in the world...or maybe they'll ignore it and continue being arrogant, continuing the problems between men and women. It is the hope of the men who are writing these comments that some women will read this and grow as people.
6/20/2023 12:02:54 am
This is excellent advice.
12/10/2023 09:42:57 am
I wasn't going to say anything more until I read this " most women are dishonest about what they are attracted to in men" I don't want to deny that some women might be dishonest about what kind of guy they like but it's not that simple. I am a huge fan of the Vampire diaries and I absolutely love Ian Somerhalder ( as an actor but I am more physically attracted to Paul Wesley as the way he moves reminds me of my late husband) I recall him once being quoted as saying " No one has ever been able to answer the question what do women want?" He was only half right about that 🤷♀️ Women just like men are individuals. So then it stands to reason that we each have unique tastes and preferences. The first guy I ever really saw romantically was a sweet old fashioned Mexican guy but I also had a huge crush on a very modern liberal guy at one time in my life because he was passionate and brilliant and reminded me of my favorite uncle who was more like a father to me. Women are attracted to different types of men for different reasons. I personally just like a guy that I can talk to and confide in. And any guy who can make me laugh. Other women prefer a very different kind of guy than I do and that's ok. Most men approach women as a monolith that's why they are " unsuccessful" with women. Instead of asking " What do women want?" I think it might be beneficial for men to ask themselves " What does the woman in front of me want?" And I guarantee you if you do that success will be far more of a possibility than continuing to pay for some grifters half baked advice on " seduction" something Christian men honestly should not be partaking in because it's roots are demonic.
12/11/2023 09:27:10 am
I’d agree that people aren’t a monolith in terms of what they find attractive, but there *are* characteristics that are generally found to be attractive by society…that is, characteristics that are generally found to be attractive to the opposite sex. In men, women tend to be attracted to guys who are confident, exciting, interesting, good conversationalists, assertive, competent, successful, funny/witty, intelligent, have status, meet certain criteria of physique (height sliders are a thing in online dating), align with them on certain interests, are aesthetically pleasing (in terms of attire/grooming), etc.
12/11/2023 07:34:58 pm
So you kind of completely missed what I was saying here.
12/28/2023 07:55:07 pm
2/10/2024 08:11:53 pm
Candace, thanks for acknowledging that people are people, and as such, people vary in regard to preferences, mannerisms, values, lifestyles, etc.. Unfortunately, regressed people such as Eva and changingthenarrative (he isn't changing shit) have not caught on to the concept that there is no one-size-fits all or general application to terms like "confidence," "strong," and "integrity."
12/28/2023 09:10:33 pm
Dan, shut the fuck up. The only place you talk this big is online so quit with the act already.
1/13/2024 07:19:38 pm
You are aware that the alpha-beta theory was debunked by the same biologist who hypothesized it, aren't you? Probably not, because you're a chest beating dumbfuck who takes his cues from clowns like Alex Stein and other YouTube conservative jackoffs.
1/14/2024 02:13:20 am
Dan, quit talking.
1/14/2024 07:08:36 pm
I've already told you my name, Dan Anderson. Yet, you have yet to tell me your real name. You're not a big, hardass from "the hood." You're an Eva sock puppet.
1/23/2024 04:05:10 pm
If you're ever in the Tampa area, let me know. So I've already told you my name and location. Are you going to tell me yours? What hood are you from? South Central L.A.? North Philadelphia?
1/24/2024 05:17:44 am
Lol first you're from upstate NY, now you're from the Tampa area?
2/10/2024 05:14:42 pm
Don't remember ever telling you anything about upstate New York, but I am presently in Tampa. Again, my offer to meet up stands, pussy.
2/11/2024 03:43:42 am
Dan, nothing about you is real. Stop talking.
3/3/2024 07:03:31 am
So, by shut the fuck up, you mean you don't have the balls to meet up in person like you said you would. Got it. Your coward status is confirmed, Eva. 3/3/2024 06:38:52 pm
To u 2
3/3/2024 08:28:59 pm
Idiot, "Dan" is an unhinged stalker who has harassed Eva on every post under many different names for like a decade now, and I was calling him out and responding to his ensuing toxic narcissistic BS.
3/15/2024 06:12:03 pm
@knobcheese vermin
3/15/2024 08:40:40 pm
You can bite as much slang as you want, Dan, but it will never change the fact that you're an in his feelings little bitch.
8/19/2023 10:12:17 pm
I'm so tired.
10/25/2023 03:01:59 pm
10/28/2023 12:51:24 pm
Would you tell Eva to get real about her level of physical attractiveness, also? She is in her late thirties and thinks that she is this gorgeous, irresistible woman that every guy wants to fuck and be with. 10/31/2023 11:02:10 pm
12/28/2023 08:21:32 pm
Eva, What makes you presume that you are objectively gorgeous, and why do you presume that I would agree with your opinion? What metric(s) are you using to come to that conclusion, when the word "gorgeous" has no bearing in the definition of "objective?"
1/14/2024 02:19:13 am
Dan, you're as not intelligent as you are not tough.
3/10/2024 10:59:59 pm
Months later because I rightfully took months to take care of myself before replying to this bs.
3/21/2024 08:55:15 pm
Michelle, did you accidentally skip the part where he told you he's autistic, and later you noticed it and felt embarrassed for showing your neurotypical privilege and for looking so deeply heartlessness? Or are you actually like that towards autistic people?
3/21/2024 08:51:57 pm
Thank you for writing this Kris. Seeing another autistic person standing up against neurotypical privilege attitudes makes me feel less alone and feel less judged as nonhuman by people like Eva and Michelle. Eva just treats autistic people as nonexistent, but that Michelle, wow.
10/19/2023 05:24:17 am
The problem with helplessness and defeatism is that it can never be defeated. Ropemaxxing is the way to go.
11/19/2023 06:47:23 pm
I am very fit, make good money, drive a new car, and have been told I am attractive, but never believe it. Whenever I meet a woman, I just automatically assume she would never be interested in me sexually and leave it at that. I suffered from low self esteem issues all my life, and it would be foolish to believe that will never be an issue in the future. But I am comfortable with who and what I am. I will never have to deal with another bad breakup or divorce, and will never have harassment charges thrown at me. I have learned there is more to life than looking for someone.
11/19/2023 07:24:44 pm
And I don't think it is because I am doing something wrong that needs "fixing", sometimes it is OK to be disconnected.
12/6/2023 09:35:20 am
From the perspective of a male struggler, in your essay here there seems to be a pretty serious conflation of “guy who struggles to get a date” with “guy who is creepy.” Those two are not the same thing (with one big exception that you elucidated the referenced earlier blog entry, which I will discuss after my main point).
2/26/2024 08:48:26 pm
2/28/2024 11:07:56 am
“Would you really want to deal with a woman who has that kind of rigid, abrasive attitude,” I guess I don’t understand what you mean…I think women mostly *are* this way. They want to be asked out by men they want to ask them out, and they don’t want to be asked out by men they don’t want to be asked out by. Really that simple.
3/3/2024 07:44:30 am
Yes, I agree that it is important to listen to what women say. It is also important to observe what they do, also. If you apply the reasoning and find patterns in a person's behavior, you can come away with whether or not that particular person is worth dealing with or not. Eva, and other arrogant, insufferable women like Eboni K. Williams, Lolo Jones and Jennifer Aniston are unable to sustain a relationship because of their repulsive attitudes and behavior. Just look at these clips by Jones, and ask yourself if this is the kind of attitude you want to deal with for the rest of your life:
3/8/2024 11:23:41 pm
Not sure why you're so wrapped up in the author, but I think I see your point on the "type of woman" we're talking about. If you're asking if I want someone as judgmental and abrasive as the person in the Youtube clips you posted, no. That kind of attitude is a serious turn-off for me.
3/9/2024 08:36:58 am
I’ll give an example. I was in a restaurant once that had a very cute woman playing the harp for the patrons. I love classical music, so I stayed and listened to her as long as I thought I could get away with. She finished a set and was grabbing a drink, so I decided to go talk to her.
3/15/2024 05:52:32 pm
3/15/2024 08:18:22 pm
Dan, shut the fuck up already.
3/16/2024 03:53:59 am
changingthenarrative (Eva's sockpuppet),
3/18/2024 06:25:19 am
Okay that's enough already.
3/19/2024 07:29:12 pm
Why do you think I give a shit about how tall you are, how much you weigh, how you are built, how well you can fight, where you work, or where you come from?
3/20/2024 05:32:43 am
Shut your bitch ass up already, Dan.
4/28/2024 04:41:07 pm
@fuckboy 12/10/2023 09:28:54 am
For all of you men simultaneously speaking of " admiring women" while simultaneously referring to us as " manipulative" I have this to say. I am a complex trauma survivor who lives in a disabled body what some of you idiotically refer to as " manipulation" because you don't navigate through life in a female body is in fact " hypervigilence" I seek to manipulate no one. I just don't automatically trust anyone who is not God himself anymore. Those of us who know what it's like to put all of our trust in a man just to have him break our heart repeatedly know what real " manipulation" looks like. I know that most men are probably not trying to manipulate me but just enough men are that it is an act of self preservation to keep my so called " bitch shield" up.
6/16/2024 02:02:43 pm
Lol because you're a stupid fucking woman who got her heart broken by a pos man because you're stupid as fuck. Your fault. Not men's. You chose to reward bad behavior because your pussy got wet.
Eyes of Fire
12/14/2023 07:08:04 pm
The experiences of men who strike out despite decades of trying being dismissed out if had are one reason why I turned my back on romantic involvement with women for good. Another is I never met anyone who's a good fit, which is in large measure due to being in the Autism Spectrum AND Complex Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. The few relationships I was in all only harmed me all around, and my marriage left no doubt as to the true nature of many women too. All men have value and worth, no matter what women think of them, me included. It's not men's job to convince women if that fact, if women don't see it then it's on them.
3/21/2024 08:48:13 pm
You almost lost me when you said "the true nature of"...but then I noticed you said "many women" not "all women", so I'm still with you. I'm glad that having many women break your heart over and over (like they've done to me for decades also, because I'm autistic too) has not caused you to say "the true nature of ALL women". I'm sometimes tempted to say "all women" when I see SO MUCH propaganda the last few years which says that supposedly all women are powerful, intelligent, reasonable and caring, while men are supposedly the opposite...that propaganda makes me want to retaliate. But then I calm down and go back to being reasonable again, and I say "ok, not all women"...but even the good ones will not give me a chance. I regret spend so many decades trying to improve myself so I could become loveable. I should never have tried in the first place, since it's apparently impossible for an autistic man to be loved. But then again, what's the point of life once you become aware that you will never be loveable? So now I just regret being born at all. But I have a daughter with the wife my family made me marry, so I HAVE to keep going...but just a few more decades and I can finally rest. I just have to stop wishing I was loveable and stop wishing I could have been with a woman who is loveable instead of my wife. The problem is that I keep hearing conversations like this one, where people are constantly putting men down, especially putting down autistic men! They say "just TRY to improve" etc, but they don't say HOW. I tried for decades...and I did make improvements, but no matter what I do or what I change, I will NEVER be enough because I'm autistic. So I just have to think quietly to myself "no woman will ever love me and I have to accept that I can't do anything to fix it"...but then I hear people saying "of course you can fix it...just try". Or they say "just follow your instincts and you'll know what to do". And the I remember...oh yeah, these people completely block out the existence of autistic men. It reminds me of how people make jokes about Amish people online because they assume Amish people will never hear what is being said about them. That would probably be true, since they don't use computers. But autistic people DO use computers, in fact much sooner than the average person with neurotypical privilege started using them. I first chatted online in 1996. My point is, they expect that when they tell all men "use your instincts", anyone who does not have instincts (autistic people) will not hear those comments...but we DO. And we understand what you are saying. We understand that you are always excluding us from every bit of advice you ever give, because we DON'T MATTER to you. Your advice is worded as "all humans can do this or that (except for autistic people, because those aren't humans)". And after treating us like we're not humans, you still expect us to have enough self esteem and confidence to be able to follow your hollow advice? Yes, your advice might work for neurotypical men who aren't already trying to improve...but the point is, NOT ALL MEN who fail at relationship are "not trying". Some of us are trying VERY HARD for our entire lives, and it's still not enough to satisfy 95% of women. That leaves 5% of women who might give us a chance...but it's so hard to find which woman that is. Of 20 women, we'd have to try and fail with 19 before finding the 20th (5%), and for someone who's already been beaten down in every aspect of life (not just romance), and constantly told we're not human, each failure causes us to have less and less confidence...and by the time we're about to try the 20th woman, the one who MIGHT give us a chance, we're ready to give up. It's too painful being stomped on that many times. I'm just glad there are 2 other autistic people in these comments who wrote their feelings, so I don't feel completely nonhuman. I just hope autistic people will keep posting on pages like this one, until you neurotypical people finally see us as human and stop telling us to "just try" and other BS. WE ARE TRYING!!
12/20/2023 04:03:20 am
I’m not sure why I’m commenting, but I guess I am just curious if you respond.
Spencer Smith
12/23/2023 06:58:59 pm
lots of out of place and needless insults here. Guess who they're by.
2/10/2024 05:17:49 pm
Eva has been very insulting and condescending to many people on her blog. It cuts both ways.
1/13/2024 06:56:56 am
You're out of touch with the struggle of average men. We are literally economically unable to cocer tye cost of a relationship and women stoll refuse to take on that responsibilty with their boss bitch idealogy. Men cant afford the house, the family or the pet anymore amd even if they could their incentive to strive for those things is non existence since women dont need us anymore. Men are now obsolete in this country.
1/14/2024 05:11:20 pm
Hell, I own a house (and a vehicle) and have pets. That’s not what women want. Most women have that (if not the house then their own rental/lease place). Why would they want something they already have? The standards are beyond “Is a functional adult,” and that’s probably a good thing for society in general. If you’re a guy and you want love and affection, you have to bring something to her life that she doesn’t already have. You have to stand out and be a superlative. Being a baseline, kind, decent, functional adult just doesn’t cut it anymore. You have to be better than anything she has or anything she can get.
3/15/2024 08:29:09 pm
I mostly agree with your advice but that woman who called you that is every bit as basic for stealing slang from black people and underprivileged communities to make herself come off as something she isn't.
1/17/2024 06:47:58 pm
Eva, I just want to comment on the primal article: It has many false assumptions thus obscuring the problem. Women are not biologically attracted to men with high self-confidence. They are choosing them for building a family because of their money-bearing capabilities. All-in-all we all aggree that self-confidences is an ad for that capabilities. In primitive societies women didn't choose men with self confidence beceause everyone was equal in these societies. Women choose the healthy-fit males so they could bring fit offsprings to the community. Hence the problem of our days: Incels are growing because western societies used to give women to men that made enough money through their jobs while in recent years men can't bear this burden because of low wages while women don't want to get married and have their own jobs. In the meantime they got the right to be more choosy. They ditched the confident-money bearing dude of the 50s for the handsome tall manly "Chad" of our days. Everyone knows only these guys (the top 20%) get the attention of women who are not desparate for sex. I am not saying we shall return to the 50s. I am just pointing out that genes of primitive societies are taking the revenge on capitalism. That's a problem that cannot be solved unless we give anybody a job with good wage, get over with the institution of Marriage and teach the pretty guys to be more choosy. In that way women will be independent and will think of rejecting their lookalikes for the sake of the chad two times.
2/10/2024 08:00:19 pm
I have never been rejected romantically because I’ve never asked a woman out. It is clear to me that no date could be worth a potential false sexual harassment accusation. I have asked women friends of mine about this and they say false accusations do happen but that this is an unfortunate price society must pay to stop harassment in general. You say that “[a]t the end of the day, remember that you have nothing to lose,” but as a man, I do stand to lose a LOT if a woman decides to accuse me falsely – you know exactly what I mean. I know you won’t respond to this but under these circumstances a lot of men don’t think dating is worth it – we are not willing to pay for another guy’s bad behaviour so we don’t express interest in any woman at all. What a horribly broken society we live in.
4/8/2024 09:33:04 am
I am irked that she refuses to respond despite loudly declaring her opinions on her blog. If she's as confident as she says she is, she'd defend her points without resorting to personal attacks to the commenters, but I've seen that she has no problem calling us incels, losers, failures, despite the fact that she'd never say those things to a female in the same position.
4/28/2024 06:15:28 pm
3/21/2024 09:03:46 pm
Eva, reading your original post, I got the feeling that you just completely overlook the existence of autistic people or assume that we will never read your post. Most people do that when giving advice, so I wouldn't judge you as heartless towards autistic people because of that. But then Michelle was extremely heartless and judgemental towards someone who she KNOWS is autistic, and you said "That is a great diagnosis and advice."
3/21/2024 10:04:00 pm
"If you don't think you can approach a woman without creeping her out, then FIX IT."
3/21/2024 10:06:02 pm
(the rest of my post was truncated. here's the rest...)
3/21/2024 10:49:43 pm
I feel like posting an article myself now, titled "To all the hundreds of women who say 'that man is creepy'...Here's what you're doing wrong"
3/21/2024 10:51:30 pm
Why don't you just go fuck yourself?
3/21/2024 10:59:11 pm
Mark, who are you saying that to?
idiot 5678866554
4/5/2024 04:07:36 am
people who write these have no clue of the real struggle, they should be punished
4/8/2024 09:26:28 am
After reading quite a few of your articles, it's quite clear that you desire to blame lonely, single men and attribute our inability to attract women to "faults" rather than even entertain the possibility that women inherently treat us like scum and subhumans. You've claimed to understand the man's perspective despite being an "attractive" woman (not at all egotistical), how narcissistic. You've not lived the life of a below average-looking man, you have no idea what it's like to be yelled at and jeered at just for existing in proximity to an average-looking woman - again, I stress that this is just existing, not even interacting with them. I've been cussed at for merely standing at a bar, despite not saying a word to or looking at the woman. I've been called a creep for saying "hi" to a woman in a club. These are social environments meant to stimulate interaction and involvement, however, they are only open to top 20% men and females, not average men.
4/8/2024 09:37:31 am
5/9/2024 02:39:49 pm
What a load of bollocks this article is, there are so many men and women in this life that fall victim to never having a relationship or sexual interaction with people, because of how they act or look. But they can change that you say, no way.
5/23/2024 08:30:18 pm
Hi Eva, I just wanted to let you know that this post that you made, is the most disgustingly vile and condescendingly repulsive thing devoid of any human empathy I have ever heard anybody spew in my entire 35 years of existence.
Voice of Reason
6/16/2024 03:05:35 am
All I see is people projecting their frustrations and insecurities onto one another and this (inevitably) has turned into a hate cesspool. So I’m going to try my best to NOT do that.
Voice of Reason
6/16/2024 03:20:40 am
….continued… I’ve seen plenty of women not make compromises on their physical standards. So I don’t think it’s fair to tell men to lower their standards when a lot of women refuse to do the same. That’s a double standard. Because there’s no “body acceptance” movement for men.
6/21/2024 07:05:47 am
I think the biggest change that we are seeing is that more and more men want to be wanted for who they are. Not who women expect them to be. We have been watching women expect men to desire them regardless of all their faults or flaws, men have every right to want the same. Women have been taught what to expect from men but not how to treat men, while at the same time men are being taught how to treat women, but not what to expect from women.
7/1/2024 04:55:15 am
The fact that this condescending article by a narcissistic woman is even being published in the first place is a problem within itself.
7/10/2024 03:30:57 am
I’m so happy to win my (Ex) back…….
7/21/2024 07:55:44 am
Do I worry about showing interest in women / asking them out? No.
7/21/2024 05:23:50 pm
Feminism, aand the whole "MeToo" thing are backfiring on women, bigtime. Because of the risk of false allegations, and expensive lawsuits resulting therefrom, a lot of women are now being barred from C-level suite and higher jobs in the corporate sector. Women are now their own worst enemies.
7/21/2024 05:16:56 pm
The thing I'm doing wrong is presenting my ugly face to the world. Ain't nothin' gonna fix that but extensive plastic surgery, LOL.
8/3/2024 04:38:04 pm
What a woman know about a mans dating struggles? About what it feels like to be completely invisible and undesirable at best and a seen as a danger at worst? Do you know how many mixed signals we get? Women complain about their friends asking them out so you can't potentially date people you already have a rapport with, and you can't ask anyone out because it's creepy. Just because you're a woman doesn't know you have any knowledge of what it's like to try and date one.
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Eva is a content specialist with a passion for play, travel... and a little bit of girl power. Read more >
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