I was never a fan of "motivational speakers" -- I have plenty of motivation, and when I listen to someone talk, it's because I want to laugh or learn.
But I stumbled upon an inspirational talk by author Brené Brown a few years ago, and it made me laugh and learn so much that I've listened to it at least once per year since. Listen to it -- I guarantee you'll at least crack a smile.
I know it's only June... but I think I'm ready to hand out my mother of the year award. Kirstie Allsopp, this trophy's for you!
Earlier this week, Allsopp told the Sun newspaper that she and her partner sometimes sit in the business class cabin, while her children, 10 and 12, sit in economy. Of course, the rage machine that is social media immediately lurched into action... but rather than apologize for something she shouldn't be sorry for, she defended her personal parenting decisions.
True fact: "bitchy" is a gender neutral term.
And if you’re being passive aggressive, you’re being bitchy -- regardless of what’s in your pants. And… it is my moral obligation -- to myself, to the speaker, and to society -- to ignore passive aggression.
According to some of my Instagram followers, I "travel all the time." Which is somewhat true. I travel a few months per year -- and that is enough for me. During these adventures, I sometimes meet full-time travelers...
And I don't understand them. To me, traveling full-time seems like it would be miserable.
After two months of surfing, hiking, scuba diving, and cultural experiences in Southeast Asia, I've officially returned home with a new vice:
I'm a water hoarder.
Hey, guys. There's this REALLY bad canine influenza going around -- it's highly contagious, infecting about 80% of all dogs who come into contact with it, according to the American Veterinary Medical Association. Fortunately, it's rarely deadly; nevertheless, I found myself at the vet this morning for my dog's second vaccination.
After using several treats to lure my dog into the vet's office, I returned to the waiting room, where I heard sobbing coming from outside the building. Soon, a young woman holding a limp, lifeless puppy burst through the doors. The office staff jumped to action... But it was clear there was nothing they could do. I spent the last two months in Indonesia and the Philippines -- which means I've had more than my share of opportunities to get seasick. From day trips to see the dugongs in Coron to island hopping in El Nido to liveaboards in the Komodo Islands, I definitely earned my sea legs.
And! I learned a really cool and potent way to fight seasickness, using only my mind.
Last week, the Stanford Daily posted about new women-focused weightlifting hours in one of Stanford's many gyms. This week, a triggered little boy filed a filed a Title IX complaint to the U.S. Department of Education; a gender discrimination complaint to California’s Department of Fair Employment and Housing, which enforces the Unruh Act; and an Act of Intolerance report through Stanford’s Student Affairs office.
Before #MeToo. Before DeVos and the Education Department formally rescinded Obama-era guidance on how colleges handle sexual assaults. Before trump's oddly hypocritical tweet about due process...
There was Laura Kipnis and her amazing 2017 book, Unwanted Advances: Sexual Paranoia Comes to Campus. Growing up, I could NOT complain about being bored. If I did, my mom would tell me, "Boring people lead boring lives." It never felt good to hear -- but guess what? I grew up into a person who never feels bored -- and who almost takes concerns like, "It might not be fun for you," or, "I'm afraid you'd be bored," as an insult.
Similarly, as an adult, I sometimes find myself telling people who claim that Valentine's Day is "dumb," "commercialized," or a "Hallmark holiday": "It's only dumb if you make it dumb." "If you find it uninspiring, it's only because you are uninspired. |
About the Author
![]() Eva is a content specialist with a passion for play, travel... and a little bit of girl power. Read more >
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