Five years ago, I was at this big house party, reuniting with some old friends after a crazy summer in Poland. Suddenly, this tall, handsome dude walked in the door. I swear -- to me, he looked like he was standing in a beam of sunshine (even though it was 10:30pm). The moment he entered the room, he saw me, too. And even though he was all the way on the other side of a crowded room, he walked straight over to me. At least two other girls stepped into his path and tried to hit on him, but he brushed them politely aside and continued towards me. I was the only girl he wanted to talk to that night.
We clicked -- there was some cool, supernatural thing going on between us. We talked and laughed for hours as we migrated from the party to a moonlit trail, and, finally, back to my car. It was time to say goodnight -- and he was so gorgeous in the moonlight. As I got out my keys, I thought to myself, "I definitely like this guy enough to kiss him... We've talked about so much! But... I don't think we should, yet. Someday, OMG YES. But not yet." And then, after texting me to make sure I had his number, he did it.
He went for the hug. That was five years ago. And I will never forget how much more certain I felt about that guy in that moment. How respected I felt -- how in-tune with my thoughts and body language this guy seemed to be. But also, how special it made me feel. Sometimes, it feels like every motherfucker I spend more than five minutes talking to thinks he should try to kiss me. But this guy had spent hours talking to me, and didn't act like he was entitled to anything. *** Many guys think a lot about when is the "right" time to kiss a girl -- after one date? After two dates? Three? To some degree, they're right to worry -- I've lost track of the number of dudes I never want to see again because they tried to kiss me too soon. If they actually care about me and have social skills and basic human decency, they won't try to kiss me before I'm ready. On the other hand, I will never, ever forget the dudes who waited respectfully for the "right" time. So how do you know when is the right time? As it happens, I give great kissing advice:
See? I'm a kissing advice EXPERT!
And I may be just the person to answer this question -- borrowing from my recent post, Dear Confused Dude: If You Had to Grab Her By the Back of the Head and Force Your Faces Together, It Wasn't a "Kiss."
I'm going to start with the basic assumption that you are a decent human being for whom consent is extremely important. Because, let's be real: an unwanted kiss is disgusting. And if you impose some sort of unwanted kiss on her, she's probably going to tell all of her friends that you are a creep. Or that you're creepy. And, you know what? She's right. If you're kissing people who don't want to be kissed, you are being creepy. Remember: consent is super sexy. That said: When It's Okay to Kiss a Girl 1. You don't have to either restrain her or surprise her to make the kiss happen. Remember: an unwanted kiss is disgusting. Consent is sexy. If you have to be quick, sneaky or forceful to get the kiss, you're doing it wrong, and the girl will definitely not be into it. 2. You ask if you may kiss her -- and she says yes. Some men mistakenly believe that "asking will kill the mood." Trust me -- if she wants to kiss you, it absolutely won't. She'll say yes! Unless maybe she wants to but she's just not quite ready yet. Then she'll say no -- this time. But! She'll feel super safe and respected with you, which will help solidify your bond. But yeah. Seriously, don't worry about "killing the mood." When a guy I want to kiss asks if he can kiss me, it makes me want to kiss him even more! And when a guy I don't want to kiss asks if he can kiss me, I say no -- but I really appreciate that he used his words, so that I could tell him no before his face and body were moving towards mine. 3. She makes the first move. It's 2015. Plenty (but, admittedly, not all) of girls are willing to make the first move! And it's super sexy when they do. Just, you know. If she's had a lot to drink, you should ask yourself whether she's really able to give consent right now. Especially if you're hoping to have a long-term thing with her. Kissing her when she's drunk is going to mess up your chances of ever having trust. 4. You have a "moment." Refer back to Point 1. Mutual, consensual kisses are not "stolen." They are not fast. They are not sudden or sneaky. Instead, they come after a moment. Perhaps you've been staring into each other's eyes -- then lips. Then eyes, then lips. Maybe she's touched the side of your hand with the side of her hand, and now you're holding hands. Parts of your bodies may be touching -- your arms, your legs. Maybe you've even pushed her hair off her face or brushed her cheek with your hand. Your bodies are gravitating towards each other... But even then, there's room for misinterpretation. Just because some people do the whole hookup culture thing, doesn't mean we all are. And even then -- just because someone is into hookup culture, doesn't mean they necessarily want to kiss you right now, even if the sparks are flying and the chemistry is totally there. The only way to make sure the kiss is consensual is to: 5. Follow the 90-10 rule. AFTER you've had a moment, and you're feeling pretty certain this girl wants to kiss you, you can initiate the kiss. Go up to 90% of the way to her face... then stop. Wait a moment. If consent is important to you (which, if you're not a despicable person, it is), you will never go 100% of the way to her face. Let her go the last 10%. If she wants to kiss you, she will! If you follow the 90-10 rule, you will always know that the kiss you shared was mutually wanted. If you go 100% of the way, you'll never be 100% certain. When It's NOT Okay to Kiss a Girl 1. You barely know her. I mean, personally, I feel like it's weird to even touch a person you barely know. Do you know if she's got a boyfriend? Do you know if she's religious? Do you know if she's from a culture in which it's very taboo for a man to touch a woman? Do you know if this person wants to be touched by you? If not... maybe keep your hands off. But, of course, I'm biased. I used to be best friends with this gorgeous Persian girl, whose family was Muslim. In her culture, men didn't touch women. But, unfortunately, in the U.S., many men have no respect for women's boundaries... and, as a result, I was horrified to see people touching this girl all the time, even when it clearly made her uncomfortable. And, yeah, she always had the option of directly confronting them by saying, "Get your arm off of me!" "Can you stop touching my leg?" or even, "WHY DID YOU JUST PICK ME UP? PUT ME DOWN!" But that's putting her in an uncomfortable situation -- direct confrontation is hard for everyone. Especially people who don't know if you're a "nice guy" or a psychokiller or what.
But, yeah. If you don't know someone well enough to know if she's comfortable with you kissing or touching her, then maybe it's not a good idea to kiss or touch her.
(And, like, obviously, there are exceptions to this -- which is why you should follow the rules in the "When It's Okay to Kiss a Girl" section.) 2. She went for the hug. A hug -- especially one she initiated at the end of a date -- is her way of telling you that she does not want to kiss you tonight. Don't be an idiot and try to convince yourself that she somehow misinterpreted your nonverbal request for a kiss. Women are experts at reading body language and sexual intent. If she turned her face away from yours and went for the hug, it's because she didn't want to kiss you. It's kind of like that thing boxers do when they don't want you punching them anymore:
Translation: PLEASE don't try to kiss me -- I just want a hug.
3. She says she doesn't want you to walk her home/drive her home/go to the next bar with her/be near her anymore. If you offered to walk me home and I said no, that means I don't want you walking me home. That means I don't want you trying to put the moves on me. I don't want to find someplace we can be alone. I don't want to continue this conversation right now.
If I wanted you to come, I'd invite you. I'd say, "I'm parked over here -- walk me to my car!" "Do you want to come in?" "The girls and I are headed to Rick's Bar next -- do you want to come?" But if I don't invite you, that means you're not invited. 4. You touched her hand, cheek, leg, or any other part of her, and she pulled away. If she doesn't want you touching her, she doesn't want you kissing her. But don't beat yourself up -- love is a numbers game. Not everyone you meet is going to be attracted to you. Not everyone's going to be ready to kiss you when you're ready to kiss them. But there truly is someone for everyone, so don't give up. 5. She says she doesn't want to kiss you. It is literally never, ever, ever, ever, EVER up to you to "interpret her body language." If her voice says no, it doesn't matter if you think her "tone and body language said yes." In fact, according to I Pressed Criminal Charges, Even Though He "Only" Touched My Face, Neck, Arms, Back and Legs, you don't even have to kiss the person to get in serious trouble for this. If someone says no, you fucking stop. Or, in the words of Louis C.K.,
"What are you, out of your fucking mind? You think I'm just gonna rape you on the off chance that, hopefully, you're into that shit?!"
I'll say it again: never, ever, ever presume to "interpret" a woman's nonverbal consent after she's told you no. *** Things didn't end up working out with that dreamy guy from the beginning of my post -- but we did go on to have several amazing weeks together. We danced. We explored the outdoors. And, when the time was right, we kissed! And kissed and kissed. But, probably, none of that explosively awesome kissing would have happened if he'd ignored my boundaries or body language and tried to kiss me too soon. I'm really glad he didn't.
7/14/2016 12:48:23 am
nice really helpful guide 👍🏽
4/17/2019 07:47:03 pm
Thanks this is rlly helpfull. I have a girlfriend and pn monday we had our first kids. Thanks ro this articke. Very glad , i almost forgot the 90-10 rule but pulled it off luckily!!
4/17/2019 07:49:14 pm
O gosh . First kiss sorry. XD im only 12 lol
MyName DoesNotMatter
12/20/2017 12:09:25 am
Well I'm a 47 year old guy who hasn't even kissed anyone for that matter. Ya. That right. I'm a 47 year old virgin who hasn't even kissed a woman. I guess that must mean I'm fat, really unattractive, cooties or {fill in whatever ignorant stereotype about older virgins society has about them}.
Caroline (Your name does matter)
12/24/2017 04:04:47 pm
Hi your post touched me so much. Your name does matter to me. You are an autonomous human being of God's light and as such are worthy of love. Don't give up. I believe there is someone out there for everyone and you're just showing up a little late to the party. If I could be with you now in person I would say yes to a kiss and who knows maybe more. I am sending you strong energy this Christmas and since God answers my prayers I am praying that your one and only is on her way. Amen.
MyName DoesNotMatter
12/24/2017 10:14:33 pm
Thanks but I'm an agnostic.
2/14/2018 08:31:57 am
Happy Valentine's day Caroline. May whoever your with on this day spoil you rotten.
FortySevenYear OldVirginAgain
12/31/2017 11:03:34 am
YA its me again. About this quote from me " I guess that must mean I'm fat, really unattractive, cooties or {fill in whatever ignorant stereotype about older virgins society has about them}. "
12/31/2017 05:04:50 pm
Sure. There are people who would find anything to be a turn-off -- while others find it a turn-on. Plenty of women love the idea of "de-flowering" a man -- did you think that fantasy was unique to men?.
5/30/2018 03:48:48 am
What she "never told you her age which is a big read flag"'. I'm confused by the this statement. I have gone out with / romanced / lived with / dated various women over the years. On several occasions, for example one lady who I lived with for three years and on another occasion a lady I dated for two years I did no know their ages. The first lady was, I assume, at least the same age as me or older based on her life history ( university and post grad degree ) so at least 25. The second lady, I assumed was five to ten years older than me but could have been a few years younger based on the age of her children. Their ages did not even come into my radar range when considering whether to have a relationship with them
HUH-ImConfused to
7/9/2018 11:32:19 am
How could you possibly not know the age of a woman you lived with 3 years and another woman you dated for 2 years? You say you're confused. Well I'm beyond confused by what you said
9/16/2018 09:31:42 pm
Hating on women. Loser
11/1/2018 12:35:28 pm
There was no hating on women in that response.
9/27/2020 03:58:49 pm
By any chance you have been taking antidepressants like Prozac? It could be a big sex libido killer and makes you "awkward" in romantic situation
FortySevenYear OldVirginAgain
12/31/2017 05:51:07 pm
FortySevenYear OldVirginAgain
12/31/2017 09:57:53 pm
Oh one more point I forgot to mention in response to Eva and specifically this comment: "A lot of people, especially progressive types, espouse that your "number" doesn't matter -- so, really, if you're with someone like that, it doesn't even necessarily have to come up that you're a virgin unless you want it to."
1/2/2018 08:12:09 am
Hi FSYOVA, I am glad you liked my post and did not take offense at your reply. It does not matter to me what your beliefs are as they have no bearing on the power of my convictions and faith. The true love of my Creator includes 4 basic tenets; mutual affection, respect, trust and free will. 2/8/2020 10:15:49 pm
What should I do to the girl I just met sometimes she says she feels abt me she will hug me, touch me but when I ask for a kiss she says she does not love kissx an has never done it. An some times she does not response to my words towards her even dough I show her effort by doing every thin to make her happy but she still not responds. Some days back she said she does not love me but when I try to be gentle before her when she ask me to live her side I do live but some days ahead when she sees me she immediately hugs me an said she is sort. But ask her of a kiss she refuses. So please I want to no if she loves me or not an what to do. Am 26yrs old an am a boy
9/17/2018 11:17:55 pm
The right time to kiss a woman is never. Don't look at them, approach them, or talk to them. For heaven's sake don't ask them out, and don't ever marry one. Women are toxic and dangerous, and men are better off without them.
A. Lesbian
2/9/2020 03:35:02 pm
Agree totally! The sooner that guys realise they should steer clear of women and stick to their own sex, the better.
1/12/2019 02:44:28 am
I went out with this girl I like, and I tried kissing her when she was leaving for class, And it turned into a disaster.
Eva Glasrud
1/12/2019 10:07:36 am
There are a million reasons why things might have turned out not as expected. One is that the girl thought you were "hanging out," and you thought it was a date. One is that you live in a very conservative culture or are very young, and kissing someone on the cheek is a big deal. One is that you kissed her in front of other people, which made her feel uncomfortable. One is she felt she'd been clear about only wanting to be friends and felt disrespected or ignored. Without knowing either of you, it's impossible to say.
10/31/2019 11:38:10 pm
Please read my comment above again. Of course it was a disaster - you went out with a woman. How else could it turn out? There is nothing good that can come from being with any woman. They are toxic and dangerous.
Honestly, aside from any other commendable remark I could make about this article, I just want to express how refreshingly honest and relevant your comments were, that fact that I resonated with every perspective you offered on this subject was refreshing. Refreshing because of its pertinence and relatability for me in my situation. Pleasantly surprising because of you authenticity, transparency and entirely relatable outlook on these types of situations people navigate in their respective lives. Nothing generic, bland or generalised about your post. It was realistic, admirable and edifying to read such a refreshingly honest opinion. No bullshit, no embellishment or generalisation. Just entirely down to earth & useful!
11/2/2020 03:08:50 am
Hi, I'm Patrick. I do want to thank you for this post because it has been helpful for me right now after what did happen between me and a lady two days ago which the led to a kind of a mistake but however, there was a kind of concern. Infact we had to kiss each other and the next day she said that wouldn't be repeated anymore. Though that said, I tried to contact her to discuss with her about that but she said there was nothing to talk about and that what did happen was just a case and so no need to talk about anything. So since I have feelings for her, is it necessary to text her again that's to say not giving up? thanks for your answer.
11/2/2020 12:26:29 pm
I say dont text her anymore. She will text you back! If not, find the next girl you got your answer.
4/17/2022 07:53:37 pm
I never get signs from women that they have any sexual interest in me whatsoever - so I’ve never kissed any woman. At 48 and fundamentally unattractive, so although I’d love to meet a woman who’s attracted to me in a sexual way, I know that won’t happen. And I won’t pay for it either. I have many women friends and sadly, that’s as far as it can ever go.
4/29/2022 08:08:07 pm
Do you feel the kind of upbeat aroused heighten thrill kind of energy around any of your female friends? If you do I bet 90% of the time they've felt the same thing and would not object to be kissed!
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![]() Eva is a content specialist with a passion for play, travel... and a little bit of girl power. Read more >
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