Jesus Says It's Men's Responsibility Not to Lust, NOT Women's Responsibility to "Cover Up."12/31/2018
I'm not, like, a religious EXPERT or anything... But remember that time Jesus was like:
But I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart. I thought that was pretty awesome. Lots of people, across multiple religions, have this weird, perverted idea that women are not only supposed to be mind readers, but also mind controllers, keeping men from thinking certain thoughts. They think they get to tell women how to dress, that they need to "cover up" or "dress modestly" because some dude who's not Jesus says you should. A couple of problems: First, Jesus, himself, did not say, "When a man looks with lust, women should cover their bodies, which I gave them... but which are also somehow inherently sinful and shameful." Jesus did say, "When a man looks with lust, that man needs to grow up and take accountability for his own thoughts and behaviors." Which... makes a lot of sense. (See also: Men, if you think women are the problem, YOU are the problem. Women don't like whiny little boys who can't take accountability for their own actions. They like men.) If Jesus wanted women to be able to control men's minds, he would have given us the power of mind control. Second, biblical modesty isn’t about managing other people's sexual impulses. It’s about cultivating humility and propriety. It's about rejecting materialism. As Rachel Held Evans writes in Modesty: I Don't Think It Means What You Think It Means: In 1 Timothy 2:9-10, the apostle Paul writes “I also want the women to dress modestly, with decency and propriety, adorning themselves not with elaborate hairstyles or gold or pearls or expensive clothes, but with good deeds, appropriate for women who profess to worship God.” The Greek word translated “modesty” here is kosmios. Derived from kosmos(the universe), it signifies orderliness, self-control and appropriateness. It appears only twice in the New Testament, and interestingly, its second usage refers specifically to men (1 Timothy 3:2). In fact, nearly all of the Bible’s instructions regarding modest clothing refer not to sexuality, but rather materialism (Isaiah 3:16-23, 1 Timothy 2:9-12, 1 Peter 3:3). Which... also makes a lot of sense. Lots of people like to dress as though they're better off than other people, because downward social comparison is the number one best way to feel better about ourselves. (Though, for what it's worth, comparing yourself to others can be one of the best ways to improve and get motivated, if done correctly.) They like to dress as though they're better off than other people, because it's impossible not to care what other people think (unless you're a psychopath or a sociopath). On the one hand, I feel like if my $12,000 watch makes you feel bad about yourself, you probably need to work on yourself, and learn to love yourself for things other than ostensible displays of success and wealth. Scripps College has this supplemental essay prompt, "If you could trade lives with someone (fictional or real) for a day, who would it be and why?" At first, I didn't see that "for a day" part, and I was like, "Literally no one. I'd rather be me. Or possibly LeBron or Taylor Swift. But basically no one but me." There are so many people who are richer, more beautiful, or more successful than I am... but... they're still not me. So what would be the point of being them? On the other... materialism won't make you happy (though money can, when spent pro-socially and on experiences, rather than things), and the Bible is pretty clear on this. But, going back to sexual modesty, Rachel Held Evans also writes: We turn modesty into objectification when we hold women responsible for the thoughts and actions of men. It's normal to be attracted to others. No one is saying to gouge your eyes out just because you notice someone is gorgeous. Just... behave like a normal, responsible adult and take accountability for your own actions. Evans mentions that different religions and cultures treat modesty differently, some offering guidelines, some wanting to make laws to regulate what women wear. Of course, we've all seen this comic: It's clever. I like it. Though I feel like the major difference here is choice. Maybe the bikini lady is dressed that way because she feels like she doesn't have a "choice" -- if she doesn't show skin, men won't show interest in her. But that's a little different from feeling like you don't have a choice because people will judge you, assault you, or exclude you if you don't dress like the niqāb lady. (Which obviously isn' the case with everyone who wears a niqāb... but it's definitely the case for some -- and isn't that tragic?) Sure, different cultures treat modesty differently -- and lots of fellow travelers think that it's "respectful" to subscribe to the soft bigotry of low expectations and participate in rape culture while visting certain places. I think that diversity is beautiful... but I also think that not every part of every culture deserves my respect. Including the gross, so-called "evangelical" culture that supports putting rapists in office and on the bench, because who cares if they're a rapist if they might maybe make it harder for women to get abortions? (True story. According to a NPR/PBS NewsHour/Marist poll, 48% of white evangelical christians said Kavanaugh should be confirmed to the Supreme Court even if the charge of sexual assault is true.) It's just... so gross and backwards to me that people still think women are accountable for men's actions... including people like Gabby Douglas, who had many teammates who were sexually abused by an adult team doctor as little girls. Hopefully, Gabby's MUCH classier teammate, Simone Biles, managed to talk some be-less-rapey-ness into her... (While we're on the topic of gymnastics, don't miss Aly Raisman's autobiography, Fierce: How Competing for Myself Changed Everything.) It doesn't take most girls and women long to realize that their bodies will be noticed by men no matter what they wear. If your goal is not to be raped, "modesty" is an approach that has been proven ineffective time and again. "Modesty" is, however, a really convenient way for rapists to shame girls and women into believing they were somehow responsible for that happened to them. But... Jesus would be the first to point out that this is not the case. If your eye makes you lust, pluck it out. If your dick makes you want to rape, cut it off.
1/5/2019 01:33:46 pm
First off, rape is indefensible, and anything suggesting that a rape is any less terrible or criminal depending on what a woman wears is obscene.
1/7/2019 02:33:18 pm
I'd be interested to see the numbers on that -- because it's definitely true that modesty won't protect you, but there are areas where not covering yourself makes dudes violent.
2/16/2019 07:57:21 pm
"If we shift context from moral to practical tho, there are places I would not suggest a friend or daughter go wearing skimpy clothing, for their safety."
10/14/2021 06:57:04 am
If I walk with half of my penis out , is that okay? 10/14/2021 09:24:24 pm
Johnnie, honey. Do you... not understand the difference between a primary sex organ and a collar bone? That's pretty messed up. I'm sorry you've lived such a bizarre, sheltered, and hyper-sexualized (yet completely repressed) life. All I can say is that. I feel sorry for you.
Fear God!
3/27/2022 08:57:31 am
After receiving a standing "O" from my family and friends regarding my comments to Eva, I had to tell them that I was not trying to be mean, but she deserved to know the truth about the eternal implications of attracting lust! 4/3/2022 02:43:33 pm
LOLOLOLOLOLOL. Omg. "Fear God!" Not only are you obviously a religious nutjob... but you also have the same IP address as almost all of the similarly nutty weirdo comments on here.
1/21/2019 11:35:36 am
While I agree with your general points about modesty, I thought I'd just add the rest of Paul's thought in 1 Timothy 2: "A woman should learn in quietness and full submission. I do not permit a woman to teach or to assume authority over a man; she must be quiet."
8/21/2020 03:41:09 pm
We were in hysterics here when we read this article! Talking about washing your hands of a sin that you were guilty of initiating! Talk about the pot calling the kettle black! I think we have just found the a epitome of hypocrisy! I have ministered to hundreds of women on Instagram, YouTube, and other social media. And it's absolutely pathetic, so many of them will claim to be "Christian" and will actually quote a few scriptures at the top of their page, and then, when you take a peek down at some of their images, they are usually prancing around 3/4 naked in a bikini, puckering painted lips, showing their cleavage, and arching their rear-ends to the point of breaking their backs! It's pathetic! Satan has made these women such easy suckers to put into slavery to vanity of the flesh, lust, and perversion, it's sad! These women have absolutely no clue that God holds and fully accountable for doing everything possible to attract male attention and lust. And then to have the pride, arrogance, and audacity to point a crooked finger at the men! So, don't blame the men, they were not the ones that "arranged" themselves for three hours in front of a mirror before they showed up at the beach! And how hypocritical to point the finger back at men, it's pure ignorance of the Word of God. The images these women display should be saved only for a husband in the marriage bed, and not for the world at large on social media, like an open sewer!
8/21/2020 09:17:18 pm
Your comment reads about like the emails I get from deranged schizophrenics every now and then... I hope when you "minister" or whatever it makes more sense than this, and doesn't just sound like some overemotional, potentially out of touch with reality dude.
10/14/2021 07:00:45 am
Best comment I have read Tom. Women will walk with half of their breast out nor to be comfortable but to show off , if men walk with his penis hidden and balls out? Is that okay? 10/14/2021 09:26:48 pm
Oh, hi again, John. I see you're making the same weird "point" about a primary sex organ vs. a collar bone. I have the same reply: if you don't understand the difference between your dick and another person's collar bone, I feel very sorry for you.
9/17/2020 05:50:46 pm
Are those women saved christians? Did they consent to you lusting after them? Did they flirt/approach you sexually? Did they explicitly say their intention was to attract/entice men and not just because they thought they look good like that? Unless the answer to all of these questions is yes, they did not tempt you.
9/17/2020 06:02:52 pm
You sound pretty eager to push the blame for men sinning onto women. Why is that? Is it because you struggle to control your lust so it’s easier to say that it’s all the woman’s fault? Is it easier to push your burden of sin onto other women rather than accept that you need God’s help because you are incapable of not sinning? Is it your pride that won’t accept that you can’t be perfect enough to meet god’s standards?
6/24/2021 11:36:10 pm
Seems a lot of women these days have no sense of responsibility, respect, or self-examination. If I walk around like a cop, and someone runs up to me because of a violent crime going on, am I going to say, “just because I dress like a cop, doesn’t mean I AM one”? Let’s face it, women these days, even “christian” women, dress like harlots. End of story🤫 6/26/2021 06:08:01 am
John, the fact that you think that's a good and relevant analogy offers a huge insight into your intelligence level. Sigh.
1/19/2022 10:00:44 pm
And what exactly does looking good mean!? If you want to look good its so others look at you and think you look good...if all men were blind women wouldn't do it. 1/20/2022 07:15:04 am
Bridget, of COURSE people want to look good, for so many reasons that have nothing to do with vanity. You think someone's going to hire someone who looks like a scruffy clown? No. Don't be crazy. You think people are going to take you as seriously if you don't look as good? No, of course not. And honestly, who DOESN'T love walking into a room with their boyfriend and knowing he knows he's with the most beautiful woman in the room?
1/19/2022 09:58:58 pm
That was a beautiful reply and 100% spot on. Sadly vanity doesn't recognize itself!
3/15/2024 08:27:29 am
I came here looking for some answers of why the bible seems to be pointed more to men when it comes to adultery and avoiding that. This page made me reallt confused while reading with it till i saw your comment. Good looks bruther, thanks 🙌
12/5/2024 03:23:41 pm
It is up to our own convections Within Christ, one Christian may be ok with wearing a bikini while another may feel against Christ.
8/21/2020 04:41:33 pm
And yes, as I've said, I've looked people in the eyes who have had in the NDE's and as you can agree with, people that have had NDE's don't lie about their experiences! There is a channel on YouTube that explains all about the eternal consequences of living your life in rebellion to God Almighty .And there are many graphic details of the horrific pain and torture that the demons inflict on women and men, who lived their lives for their needy, shallow, and lustful flesh! Trust me, the pain and suffering in hell goes beyond human comprehension and understanding. To mock that fact, is only to mock yourself and nobody else!
8/21/2020 09:20:19 pm
Paul: "Have nothing to do with such people."
8/23/2020 02:58:50 am
Yes, we agree with the beginning of the page that said there was not a claim to being a religious expert! That's probably where the article should've stopped! To see if future humiliation exclamation! LOL! Because after that, it was one incident after another of opening mouth and inserting foot! But what got us laughing here was the fact that everybody saw that image of the woman 3/4 naked in a bikini, even the women were in hysterics! Anyone who truly knew Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior would never even contemplate putting such a trashy and suggestive image at the beginning! So, we immediately knew that there were issues! 8/23/2020 08:30:51 am
Whoa -- you again? Obsessed, much? Might be time to pluck out an eye, Tom!
7/1/2024 01:14:25 pm
Not sure who wrote this article but this info is 100% false men and women can both be lustful. It mentions in the Bible multiple times that women should not dress half naked or wear revealing clothing. Women who wear revealing clothing are no better than Jezibel in my eyes. As for the Eva glasrud. You mentioned looking good and walking into a room with your boyfriend thinking to yourself he’s with the most beautiful girl in the room that’s pride talking and is a huge sin in gods eyes. Stop calling people rapists for pointing out facts.
D.D Holup
8/20/2024 10:17:52 am
You're both acting like a bunch of mean kids on the schoolyard. Stop it! You're both wrong.
D.D. Holup
8/20/2024 10:23:11 am
I had to make another reply because it was too long to fit... pardon me.
9/4/2020 02:39:45 pm
Writing this on behalf of myself and a few other girls who read this incredible comment!
9/4/2020 03:14:54 pm
Ann, thank you my dear! And you are a real sweetheart for your kind words! Yes you are correct, my Eva was really not much of a challenge! But everyone knows that she realized that before she even entered the ring with me! But it was thrilling to educate her and "school" her on some very important parts of the Bible! She now understands emphatically, that she is equally as responsible as the men, if not more so because as she knows she was the catalyst that got the ball rolling! As the men are not the ones that spent three hours "arranging" themselves in front of the mirror prior to even going out on the beach! LOL! And then, to have such insecurity about herself as to scream out that the men are perverts for looking! And she knows that we are correct about that! I'm beginning to laugh so hard again right now!
9/4/2020 10:22:06 pm
Tom, I can see the IP addresses of the people who post comments, so I know that you and "Ann" are the same person.
3/16/2021 05:12:18 pm
Tom, my love, how could you say those things? I thought I knew you better. Are you “trolling” again? Lol. Love you babe xoxo.
9/4/2020 11:01:52 pm
Dearest Tom, the phrase is not “3/4 naked,” it is “half naked.” You should be embarrassed.
2/24/2021 07:23:08 am
Dear Eva,
2/26/2021 05:21:51 am
Craig, you are so lucky that God gave you the power of mind reading -- what a rare gift! God didn't make me a mind reader, so when a woman wears yoga pants, I don't magically know what her intentions are the way you do. I'm left to surmise she might have worn them because they are warm, or because they are comfortable, or that maybe she is coming from a yoga class. It's so amazing that you magically know everyone's intentions always. What a lucky guy! What is it like to have God-like powers that allow you to see straight into people's hearts?
3/3/2021 04:53:07 am
Hi Eva, 3/4/2021 06:51:46 am
Bro, I'm not trying to improve myself -- I'm completely happy with the way God made me. I also know that he wouldn't have made the sun on my skin feel so good if he wanted me to cover up my skin, and he wouldn't have made me in his image if he thought my body was sinful and shameful.
11/18/2023 11:40:37 pm
Your response is really weird and passive aggressive. Christians don't go around telling other people they don't know Jesus, please learn to take some positive criticism and be more polite.
4/12/2021 04:04:24 pm
Craig, you're a joke. When a man wears anything, is it interpreted as him crying out for "attention", "admiration", or "interest", as you had previously worded it for us? Absolutely not. So then why on earth would that be the case for women? You are not allowed to say "Whether or not she wants to admit it, she is trying to gain attention.", nor can you say "She is making herself into an idol, because she is competing for attention and admiration that belongs to God alone". All of that is entirely on you for thinking that that's our goal here. There is nothing wrong with feeling comfortable and confident in our skin. We wear bikinis because we want to enjoy some time by the waters. We wear low-cut tops because it's hot outside. We wear yoga pants because we want to exercise. We wear anything we want to because it is our body, and it is nobody else's business to tell us what we can and can't do with it. And all this "things weren't like this in 1896" bullshit you're spewing is total nonsense. No shit, Sherlock! What damn century do you think we're in? Just because we had different things back then does not mean they were anything near comfortable or functional. We have developed much more practical clothing articles and products over the past 125 years. Have you ever been in a yoga class before? If you have, then you'll know that the room temperature itself is hotter than your breath. These clothes are meant to be functional; to be stretched and not tear, to not trap in excessive heat, and keep the wearer comfortable while working. I've never seen a worse argument.
11/18/2023 11:46:55 pm
You took this way too personally buddy.
7/1/2024 01:18:29 pm
Ella Nobody who believes in god would get this upset at somebody over their opinion unless what the other person was saying is true. I’ve noticed a lot of females in this comment section being prideful and trying to insult others is the work of the devil
3/8/2021 07:30:03 am
Yes, Jesus is a radical feminist. He's also much more than that. If you reduce Jesus or God down to a version that fits your agenda or is "acceptable to you", then you've engaged in a form of idolatry: worshipping a God that does not reflect the wholeness of the Biblical God.
3/12/2021 02:27:35 pm
Craig, I believe you are the one who is building some bizarre image of Jesus that has nothing to do with him or his message. Talk about a backwards, self-serving interpretation!
11/30/2021 06:34:30 pm
Fantastic comments, Craig. The flak is strongest when you're over the target.
5/5/2021 09:40:09 am
Act in a way that is pleasing in God’s sight. Love your neighbor. Abandon your sense of “self”. Jesus tells us to die to ourselves. Don’t conduct yourself in a way that causes your brothers to stumble and fall. The highest form of love is from the Holy Spirit inside you- if you have accepted Jesus in your heart. Loving your neighbor might mean dressing in a way that doesn’t cause a man to think immoral thoughts and thus falling into a sinful pattern. It’s not all about YOU. It’s about love and living for Jesus, and helping/loving your neighbors even at the detriment of your wardrobe. We love because he first loved US. Don’t love to try and get something in return. Men must do their part in living out a holy life - loving, providing for and protecting their wives. Women must do their part by respecting their men. It’s the cycle that makes the world function in harmony. When someone isn’t doing their part, love/ respect them anyways. It’s what Jesus has called us to do. Hope this helps :)
5/21/2021 07:15:10 am
If Jesus wanted me to have the power of mind control, he would have given me the power of mind control. Instead, he told men to pluck out their eyes if they were tempted by something. It was a pretty straightforward statement. I get that there are a lot of angry, hypocritical "Christians" who like to pick and choose which parts of the Bible to listen to. However, I'm talking about a direct quote from Jesus. If you want to ignore His words... I guess that's between you and God.
3/2/2023 06:33:50 am
The funny thing about your childish response is that you accused someone of being selective by being you yourself selective -- A product of an inexperienced, unwise modern culture.
5/18/2021 07:48:52 am
Tell me you dont understand the bible without telling me you dont understand the bible. Paul clearly says even if its not a sin, but causes others to stumble, you are to stop.
5/18/2021 10:54:40 am
Exactly my point as well. Thanks for sharing
5/21/2021 07:12:34 am
Paul is literally a murdering misogynist. Jesus, a radical feminist, is literally the son of God.
5/21/2021 06:23:35 pm
It all comes down to love as Jesus taught. If you calculate love into the equation you should come up with a different answer than what you are giving. It’s not all about you. It’s about loving others.
Charmaine Davis
7/9/2022 05:34:25 am
I'm so gleeful that you have seen through Paul. You are so correct!. He's a fake apostle, self-appointed. I've searched the words of Jesus and the 10 commandments, not once did Jesus give a dress code or comment on a woman's appearance. But Jesus did comment on men's thought life and indeed it must be ugly. Just like Adam, love to blame women for their own sin.
8/17/2021 08:47:59 am
I was just talking about misogyny with a friend over coffee, and I mentioned how most of the bible was awful but that Jesus was such an evolved man. And that if Christians would actually behave like Christ, our world could be absolutely amazing! I am absolutely certain that if Jesus showed up again, his Christians would murder him all over again.
Sly sly willy
10/7/2021 08:39:49 am
We all can say this or that and have our thoughts but the Bible teaches truth and we should consider the appropriateness of not dressing in ways to stir up lust and passions unless it’s in private. It’s very true and I feel some women are very immature when they dress about naked and say they do it not to stir up lust. Perhaps we should go one step further and say that thinking also is they have ni respect for themselves and here just anyone look and see. It’s true. Have respect for yourselves and the men you are with. To me these discussions belong with the 13 and 14 year olds
10/8/2021 07:32:04 pm
"Sly sly willy." I can tell you are a literal child, because you haven't yet learned to take accountability for your own actions.
11/12/2021 05:08:54 am
Tom and friends.
11/20/2021 05:31:40 pm
Been thinking about human sexuality. In the beginning we were naked togheter (Adam and Eve) This is the state we were supposed to be in. Any part of our bodies were not ment to make us lust. Maybe we are not behaving as we should? Maybe we are looking at bodies with lust in a perverted way? Like a idolotry. Is it not wierd that humans have to cover our bodies, we were ment to be naked as the animals. They are not humping all day long. It shows that lust is not love, we look at naked bodies the wrong way. It is something natural. But we have perverted it to Good looks and perfect shapes. I dont think it would have been this way of we grew Up naked. But we cant Imagine it. But look at the almost naked tribes in Africa, South America, does'nt make them lust all day long.
Chisom Igwe
11/20/2021 06:25:15 pm
You make a really good point honestly.
John Smith
3/21/2022 06:30:45 am
Hmmm, what about these verses?
3/23/2022 08:47:38 am
LOL, sweetie. My clothes don't lead people to sin. Do you believe in free will, or not? Grow up and learn to take some accountability. Jesus will like you better :)
7/1/2024 01:25:51 pm
Eva you have a lot of learning to do I’m not sure who taught you this but I think you need to go back to church and talk to someone. If you’re a women and you’re wearing practically nothing you are 100% being lustful and definitely being prideful. Only you know your true intentions but nowhere in the Bible does it say women can wear whatever they want and it’s not a sin. What you wear is a symbol of your character, I don’t agree that if you wear leggings or jeans or even shorts and a tank top is a sin but if you’re wearing seductive clothing or practically nothing trying to get attention from others that’s definitely a sin and I hope you repent.
True Heart Ministry
7/11/2022 06:20:50 am
10/15/2022 03:55:59 pm
So many comments from men on here reflect violent, belittling and aggressive attitudes towards women, while at the same time claiming to be righteous.
3/2/2023 06:27:41 am
"Jesus did say, "When a man looks with lust, that man needs to grow up and take accountability for his own thoughts and behaviors." "
Men ruined the world; say I'm lying
8/20/2023 12:10:40 am
Men need to worry about themselves. With all the crime, violence, murders, rape, etc being committed by so called men, I think Men need to have several seats. The audacity and hypocrisy Men continue to display is insane. Men want to be women so bad. Most men even dress like women nowadays. Yall kill me wearing them tight ass pants, tight ass high-water suits, grey sweatpants, muscle shirts, etc; but claim to be straight. How about Men start shutting tf up and take the log out of your own eyes. Judgemental sons of bitches.
10/23/2023 03:38:37 am
I couldn't agree more with your perspective. The idea that women are responsible for men's thoughts and actions is not only antiquated but fundamentally flawed. Jesus' teachings emphasize personal responsibility and accountability, and it's crucial to understand that modesty, as it's originally intended, is about cultivating humility, propriety, and rejecting materialism.
12/10/2023 09:09:20 am
My heart sincerely broke reading the virtiol in these comments particularly at the men in the comments section because as a woman who was born missing a limb I see objectification differently than not only these individuals but perhaps most women.You see I know ( experientially) what it's like to be judged based solely on my appearance and to be reduced to nothing more than the " sum of my parts" I also know what it's like to attract my fair share of predators due to my " perceived vulnerability". All of that aside I have this to say " Do you have any idea what a woman is thinking if you walk around topless during the summer heat?" Do you know whether or not she is " objectifying your body?" Of course you don't because if you ' Knew your bibles you would actually know that " 1 Samuel 16:7 declares " Do not look on his countenance or the height of his stature for I have rejected him. For God does not see as man sees for man looks at the outward appearance but God looks at the heart " since God himself is the only omniscient being he alone can determine whether or not someone is " attempting to cause sin" by the way that she dresses. Here is the thing I however want to drive home as a woman I don't have the privilege of walking around topless no matter how hot it is yet in the summer men do this all the time because whether you gentlemen want to admit this or not women completely understand that a man is a person. We therefore take absolute responsibility in keeping our own" lust" in check. I say this as a woman who has literally only been with my own husband but fend off advance from" Christian men " who knew that I was married even right up to the moment my beloved Jonathan passed away. All you men blaming women for your own lust need to take the plank out of your own eyes before preaching to anyone else about " idolatry" " objectification" or salvation because you literally don't get what " personal responsibility" actually means.
Jordan Richards
12/26/2023 07:48:16 am
The book of Romans says not to "cause your brother to stumble" and throughout the Bible, it says to women to be chaste and modest.
Mike Hunt
1/3/2024 08:27:42 pm
I don't care what a book of fairy tales says, I love looking at naked women.
5/15/2024 09:31:30 am
My Bible does say each person must take accountability of their actions. In my opinion it means that MEN have to grow up and take captive their own thoughts and actions. What I mean they have to learn to be disciplined and fight against the temptations that come against them. So if lust is a struggle, ask YHWH to help you get rid of that sin.
Hi! Thank you for your post.
Actual Christian
6/27/2024 06:00:41 pm
I know this comment is a little late but this comment sums up what needs to be read by any real Christians.
7/1/2024 01:30:08 pm
This article is a joke and luckily nobody has really read this otherwise it would lead a lot of women away from god. Both men and women can be lustful but nowhere in the Bible does it say women can wear whatever they want and it’s not a sin😂 I strongly suggest anyone who reads this article to take everything said with a grain of salt and to read the actual Bible instead of reading a passage wrote by a young female.
7/5/2024 06:34:52 am
Eva you are a bitch
A resident of Saudi
7/18/2024 09:43:01 pm
I live as a westerner in a culture where women are explicitly held responsible to keep men from lusting over them. When a woman is rap’d, she is blamed, because she must have seduced her abuser. I have never lived anywhere where the men were more lascivious than in Saudi Arabia. Transferring your personal responsibility to keep yourself pure to someone else will never produce purity or righteousness. It actually produces the opposite.
9/5/2024 03:26:31 am
I think you should study the Bible carefully on this topic instead of influencing women incorrectly. You will answer to God for misleading women.
9/5/2024 04:51:59 pm
Christ did say that looking upon a woman in lust was committing adultery in his heart. At that time women dressed very modest to our standards today, unless she was a promiscuous woman living in adultery.
Eric Breaux
12/18/2024 06:09:07 pm
I’m choosing to stay single partly because I hate so much there being a difference in how the genders sexualities work. That and other things I hate about women has given me depression. It makes it a waste of passion for men most of the time. I want men as a whole to be thought as attractive as often as women are and cause sexual arousal just from our appearance to them. Female features are thought so much more attractive to more people that many heterosexual women even like seeing sexualized depictions of their gender. They like being desired much more than they desire us. I’ve always hated that women have been sexualized more than men, never just that sexualization happens. This makes me unsure that I’m saved, and also because I wonder if hating some things about women means I hate God for making them that way and having policies for different gender treatment.
1/17/2025 04:31:41 pm
Jesus is a filthy scumbag altogether.
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About the Author
Eva is a content specialist with a passion for play, travel... and a little bit of girl power. Read more >
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